How to Calculate a Batting Average: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

batting average calculation

batting average calculation - win

Batting Average calculation question...

Sorry if this is not the sub for this. Feel free to move it where ever it belongs.
Does the situation below have an effect on batting average calculation? Does it count as an at bat? as a ground out? or like a sacrifice fly or bunt with an RBI?
A runner is on 3rd. A batter is given a Hit and Run signal. He is presented with a bad pitch, connects and dribbles one to the pitcher. The pitcher throws him out at 1st, but a runner on 3rd scores.
Does a batter get punished for a weakly hit ball on a bad pitch that he would not have swung at if not given the signal?
Babe Ruth , Rookie
submitted by anishinabegamer to baseball [link] [comments]

What's your lifetime job interview batting average, calculated as number of offers divided by number of companies interviewed?

submitted by SandOnYourPizza to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Why are batting averages calculated the way they are?

As in, why is it (runs scored)/dismissals, and not (runs scored)/innings played?
submitted by dorrigo_almazin to Cricket [link] [comments]

ELI5: Why are baseball batting averages calculated/reported out of 1000 and not out of 100 like most percentages?

Is it just to have more significant figures? Or is there some sort of history behind it?
submitted by crhuble to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

Batters' batting averages against a pitcher's type of pitches- how is that calculated?

I've been seeing graphics showing opponents' batting averages off a pitcher's pitch types broken out- what the batting average is against the pitcher's fastball, curveball and slider, for example and then often there's a graphic about how often the pitcher throws each pitch.
How are the batting averages calculated? Is it just balls put in play? That would seem unfair if a pitch is untouchable and only the times the ball is put in play are counted. Then again, should a pitcher get credit for lowering the batters' average if they, say, throw a pitch in the dirt that's taken for a ball? It was unhittable, but it was a bad pitch. Is it called strikes, swinging strikes and balls put in play?
submitted by Dr__Nick to baseball [link] [comments]

Need Some Help (JAVA)

So I have a program that returns the batting and slugging averages of baseball players. When taking the averages of the first player the stats returned are correct. The problem comes in when I want the stats of another player. The value returned for the next player will be incorrect . Please help, It will be greatly appreciated

import Jprog2.Console;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;

public class BattingStatsApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
double timesAtBat,basesCleared;
double battingPoints = 0;
double totalofAtBats = 0;
String anotherPlayer = "y";

System.out.println("\nWelcome to Batting Average Calculator");

System.out.println("\nEnter the number of times at bat: ");
timesAtBat = Console.getDouble("", 1, 30);
double atBat[] = new double[(int) timesAtBat];
System.out.println("\n0 = out, 1 = single, 2 = double, 3 = triple, 4 = home run");

for(int i = 0; i < atBat.length;i++){
System.out.println("Result for at-bat " + i + ": " );
basesCleared = Console.getInt("", 0, 4);
atBat[i] = basesCleared;
battingPoints += atBat[i];

if(basesCleared != 0){
totalofAtBats +=1;
double battingAverage = totalofAtBats / atBat.length;
double rSluggingPercent = battingPoints/ atBat.length;

System.out.println("\n\nBatting Average: " + formatter.format(battingAverage));
System.out.println("Slugging Percent: " + formatter.format(rSluggingPercent));
anotherPlayer = Console.getString("Another Player ? (y/n)","y","n",sc);
System.out.println("end of program");
Welcome to Batting Average Calculator

Enter the number of times at bat:
Error! Number must be greater than 1.0.

0 = out, 1 = single, 2 = double, 3 = triple, 4 = home run
Result for at-bat 0:
Result for at-bat 1:
Result for at-bat 2:
Result for at-bat 3:
Result for at-bat 4:

Batting Average: 0.600
Slugging Percent: 1.200
Another Player ? (y/n)

Enter the number of times at bat:

0 = out, 1 = single, 2 = double, 3 = triple, 4 = home run
Result for at-bat 0:
Result for at-bat 1:
Result for at-bat 2:

Batting Average: 1.333
Slugging Percent: 3.333
Another Player ? (y/n)
submitted by Falcao_E to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

WAR is calculated by comparing a player to a ficitious "average player," what would this players batting statline be after a full season?

Say he plays 155 games. Would it just be the MLB average overall, or at different positions, or something else? Also does this average player's statline change from year to year or is it constant?
submitted by youraveragemomo to baseball [link] [comments]

Calculating % contribution to batting average, era

Hey Everyone
Apologies if this has been asked and answered before.
One of the things I have been working on is trying to evaluate how players in my rotisserie league contribute to the overall point total. For example, say that I determine a HR is worth 0.1 points, a guy who hits 10HR in a season would be worth 1 point in that category. Apply that across all categories and you get a rough measure of how much a player contributes to overall score compared to others.
For counting stats, the math is pretty straightforward. For rate stats like batting average and era it gets a little trickier. FOr the most part, I've tried to get around this by converting to hits or something similar to ERA+ - was wondering if anyone had a better way of calculating % contribution to those stats
submitted by jasonmcgovern to fantasybaseball [link] [comments]

How is a pitcher's "batting average against" on specific pitch types calculated?

I've seen this stat many times, for example: "batters are only hitting .150 against [pitcher name]'s slider this season". How is this calculated?
Does it only count pitches that are put in play or result in an out?
What about a 0-0 pitch that causes a swinging strike, which is good for the pitcher and puts the count to 0-1, but doesn't affect BA in any way?
submitted by yoda17 to baseball [link] [comments]

Quick thought on BBL averages

Hi all, sorry if this has been brought up before.
Last night during one of the BBL games the commentators were talking about a BBL batting average, calculated as the batsman's strike rate + his average.
This seems a bit silly to me - with that method, hitting out at an average of 6 @ 180 SR is seen as more valuable than the bloke building your innings with an average of 30 @ 150 SR. I know which one I'd rather have in my team!
An idea instead is to calculate the BBL average as Average x (S100). This still rewards a high strike rate without making the runs scored irrelevant.
So basically, using the earlier examples: 6 x 1.8 = 10.8 batting average (as opposed to 186). 30 x 1.5 = 45 batting average (as opposed to 180).
Thoughts? Feel free to criticise or put forward anything you think could be better.
TL;DR: Average + Strike Rate silly, Average + (Strike Rate/100) any better?
submitted by temp282828 to Cricket [link] [comments]

[iOS] [Batting Average] [$5.99 → $2.99] [Calculates your batting average automatically by tracking every play at bat and on base]

[iOS] [Batting Average] [$5.99 → $2.99] [Calculates your batting average automatically by tracking every play at bat and on base] submitted by n3tw0rkm3 to AppHookup [link] [comments]

What Was The Best Season Ever by a Reliever? - an Analysis

Relievers. Who are they? What do they do? Until one bright spring day in 1993, nobody knew the answers to these simple questions. Then, MLB scientists made a breakthrough in their labs in the bowels of the Astrodome, and Mariano Rivera sprung forth from his mother’s womb fully formed and sawed off Jason Giambi. But the question they couldn’t answer is ‘what is the best season ever by a reliever?’. At the time, the technology was simply not expansive enough to begin delving into this question. Now, thanks to huge leaps in science, we can finally answer something that has plagued the minds of man since the dawn of humanity.
Now, clearly, the answer is Francisco Rodriguez, since he’s the single season save leader and that’s the best stat to measure relievers by. But let’s ignore that.
You can just look up which reliever has the most WAR in a single season, which is 1975 Goose Gossage by bWAR (8.2!?!?!) or 1977 Bruce Sutter by fWAR (5.2). The reason for this difference is because BaseballReference uses runs allowed to calculate bWAR, and FanGraphs uses FIP to calculate fWAR. Since relievers pitch such small sample sizes, there’s often a large gap between their FIP and their runs allowed (RA). Since we’re looking at the best season, and not the best player, I’m going to use bWAR (and thus RA) for this exercise.
(If you don’t know what FIP is, it stands for Fielding Independent Pitching, which looks at only the outcomes of at-bats which are solely between the pitcher and the batter - home runs, walks, and strikeouts. These stats are thrown together and then given a normalizing factor so that the average league FIP matches the average league ERA. FIP is a wonderful predictive tool, to the point where it is more predictive of a pitcher’s ERA next year than a pitcher’s ERA is. I’d rather not use it here because it doesn’t look at the actual results - if I was trying to find the best reliever, and not the best season, then I’d use FIP.)
Using a simple value added stat is incredibly biased towards 1970’s middle relievers who would throw 100+ innings in a year, though. WAR is a counting stat, so the more they pitch, the more they rack up. What about bWAIP? One BBRef search later, and I have this table.
Player bWAR bWA100IP IP Year Tm
Ted Abernathy 6.2 5.84 106.1 1967 CIN
Steve Mingori 3.3 5.87 56.2 1971 CLE
Michael Jackson 3.8 5.94 64.0 1998 CLE
Bruce Sutter 6.5 6.07 107.1 1977 CHC
Jose Mesa 3.9 6.09 64.0 1995 CLE
Zack Britton 4.1 6.11 67.0 2016 BAL
Mariano Rivera 4.3 6.13 70.2 2008 NYY
John Hiller 7.9 6.31 125.1 1973 DET
Terry Fox 3.7 6.38 58.0 1962 DET
Jonathan Papelbon 5.0 7.34 68.1 2006 BOS
This is the top 10 relief seasons by bWA100IP, minimum 45 IP. This is a fairly tight pack all the way up until the final entry, where Papelbon’s 2006 leads by near 1bWA100IP. This seems like a good candidate for the best relief year ever.
(Interestingly enough, Bill James’ list of the 100 best reliever seasons ever, written in 2007, doesn’t include Jonathan Papelbon’s 2006 season. Joe Nathan’s 2006, where Nathan pitched the same number of innings and had a much worse ERA, made the list at #27. This is a reminder that Bill James is a fallible human being.)
So, if your criteria for best year by a reliever is bWA100IP, then the best option, by far, is Jonathan Papelbon. But before we look at the other options, here’s why Papelbon’s season was the best.
There have been nine reliever seasons (min. 40 IP) with a lower ERA than Papelbon’s 2006 0.92. Why aren’t they higher in bWAIP?
Player WAR IP ERA Year Tm R ER
Zack Britton 4.1 67.0 0.54 2016 BAL 7 4
Joey Devine 1.9 45.2 0.59 2008 OAK 7 3
Fernando Rodney 3.7 74.2 0.60 2012 TBR 9 5
Dennis Eckersley 3.3 73.1 0.61 1990 OAK 9 5
Rob Murphy 2.5 50.1 0.72 1986 CIN 4 4
Rich Gossage 2.3 46.2 0.77 1981 NYY 6 4
Blake Treinen 4.1 80.1 0.78 2018 OAK 12 7
Bill Henry 2.5 52.0 0.87 1964 CIN 9 5
Dennys Reyes 2.2 50.2 0.89 2006 MIN 8 5
Jonathan Papelbon 5.0 68.1 0.92 2006 BOS 8 7
To begin with, bWAR uses RA for its calculations, which uses both earned and unearned runs. Dennys Reyes, Bill Henry, Blake Treinen, Rich Gossage, Fernando Rodney, Dennis Eckersley, and Joey Devine all had more RA/IP in their respective seasons. (The difference between their ERA and their bWAIP isn’t solely explained by this, but it’s good enough for now. We’ll get to that in a moment). This leaves 1986 Rob Murphy and 2016 Zach Britton. Why don’t they stack up?
The answer is a little thing I’d like to call ‘run environment’, which is encapsulated by BaseballReference’s stat RA9Avg. It takes what an average pitcher’s run allowed/9 innings (RA/9) was that year, and then adjusts it for park factors, for the defense, and for who that specific pitcher faced. If a pitcher had a relatively high run environment, it means he would be pitching in batter’s parks, faced tough opponents, had a bad defense behind him, etc. For a perfectly average pitcher, their RA/9 will match their run environment.
For Murphy, his run environment was 4.11. For Britton, it was 4.32. For Papelbon, it was a whopping 5.00. This makes a huge difference - Papelbon may have gotten slightly worse results, but he was starting from a much more difficult positions.
For another good way to illuminate the differences run environments can cause, I can bring up one of my favorite WAR comparisons! In 1965, Jim Maloney equalled Sandy Koufax in bWAR (and surpassed him if you count batting WAR) despite throwing 80 fewer innings with an ERA 0.50 higher. How did he do this? Simple. Sandy Koufax played in cavernous Dodger Stadium with a strong Dodger defense behind him, and so had a run environment of 3.49 RA/9. Jim Maloney, pitching at batter-friendly Crosley Stadium with a poor Reds defense behind him, had a run environment of 4.34, 0.85 more than Koufax. Since Maloney is expected to give up far more runs than Koufax and only gives up somewhat more runs, he has a large bWAIP lead.
Run environment is 99% of the explanation behind ‘why does WAR give this weird result?’ questions.
Most of the best reliever seasons by ERA have relatively a low run environment - after all, good defense and a friendly park factor really helps a reliever keep the runs down. Fernando Rodney had a run environment of 3.72 in his 0.60 ERA season, because he pitched at the Tropicana and had the Rays defense behind him. Mariano Rivera consistently had a high run environment (career average of 4.72) due to pitching in Yankee Stadium with horrible, horrible, horrible Yankees defenses behind him going against tough AL East opponents. He never had that ‘lucky’ season with a sub-1 ERA, which would likely have put him on this list. He has to live with the stigma of simply being the greatest reliever of all time, unfortunately. Papelbon had an incredible season in a run environment that was incredibly ill-suited for having an incredible season, so his bWAIP is leaps and bounds ahead of anyone else.
So is Jonathan Papelbon’s 2006 the greatest single season by a reliever ever? Well, maybe. Pound-for-pound, it certainly is. But some relievers can pound more often than others, even if they're not pounding quite as hard. Should 70’s and 80’s relievers be penalized for being slightly worse in twice as many innings as Papelbon? John Hiller’s 1973 is a good candidate if you prefer quantity over quality - 7.9 bWAR in 125 innings in relief. Of course, you can flip it around - why penalize Papelbon for pitching less when relievers of that era were expected to pitch less? With the bWAIP, it’s safe to say Papelbon was more dominant in his role than Hiller was in his.
Are there arguments for other pitchers and other seasons? Absolutely. Perhaps you prefer FIP for some reason - then you can probably give the nod to 2003 Eric Gagne, with 4.7 fWAR in 82 innings. I don’t think FIP works well for this type of analysis, because it doesn’t deal with actual results, but you do you. Perhaps you want to dive into BABIP and pick a season that wasn't as lucky - this seems like a fool's errand, since the best reliever seasons are all lucky ones.
Of course, if you believe the best ability is availability, the nod goes to Mike Marshall, who appeared in 106 (!?!) games for the 1974 Dodgers. His 2.42 ERA is tarnished somewhat by the 3.33 run environment at Dodger Stadium at the time, however. Marshall apparently still has very interesting ideas on training to be able to pitch that many innings, but no MLB training staff will let him near their pitchers for some reason.
Now, I know we’d all like someone else to have the best relief season ever in baseball - someone who didn’t attack teammates, someone who didn’t watch porn in the clubhouse, someone who doesn’t hit Manny Macha - ok, I’m fine with that one. But why couldn’t it have been someone like Eric Gagne, or Robb Nen, or Heathcliff Slocumb? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything negative about those guys. Maybe it’s just time to move on, and let bygones be bygones.
As I understand, Papelbon is just 24 hours from picking a new team, so it’ll be exciting to see him back in the league. Hopefully, he doesn’t choke his comeback.
submitted by SirParsifal to baseball [link] [comments]

How much (negative) WAR would I accrue playing on a Major League team for a full season?

I heard Sam Miller mention on a recent episode of Effectively Wild that you have to figure the WAR of a civilian would be considerably less than zero, possibly up to negative 20.
Let's do the math.
We'll assume a few things before we start. I am mandated by law to play every inning of every game. I am me, an overweight 30-year-old. This thought experiment doesn't put me on a specific team, just a general baseball season.
WAR is composed of six parts. Batting, fielding, baserunning, positional adjustment, league adjustment, and replacement level. I'm going to skip league adjustment because it requires me to do calculations for the whole league and it doesn't really change the player's final WAR that much. We'll assign values to these from simplest to hardest.


I will not be allowed to take the field. This is simple. 0 runs.

Positional Adjustment

As I won't be taking the field, I'd be relegated the the Designated Hitter position. The positional adjustment for 162 games of DH is -17.5 runs.

Replacement Level

The formula for replacement level runs is Replacement Level Runs = (570 x (MLB Games/2,430)) x (Runs Per Win/lgPA) x PA
If I play 162 games and bat 9th (because duh) I figure I'd get ~600 PA. I came to this conclusion thusly: The two players with the most PA in 2019 were Marcus Semien with 747 and Whit Merrifield with 735. They were both leadoff hitters who played 162 games. So if I average that number, a leadoff hitter would get ~741 PA over the course of the season if he plays every game. The difference between a full season of a leadoff hitter and a number 9 hitter is 1 PA per game minus 1 PA every 9 games. This is because the leadoff hitter will always have one more PA than the number 9 hitter at the end of a game, unless the number 9 hitter wat the last batter to come up in the game. This would happen roughly once every nine games. So 741-(162-(162/9))= 597 PA. So let's do the calculation based on that. (We'll use 2019 numbers.) (570x(2430/2430))x(10.296/186516)x600= 18.9. This brings me up to 1.4 runs.


In response to a Chris Hayes tweet musing on whether or not he'd get a hit against a full season of Major League pitching, Eno Sarris wrote an article for Fangraphs discussing the idea. He concludes that Hayes would get about 2 hits in a season. If we assume I'm roughly at the level of Hayes (he's ten years older than me, but seems to be in better shape), I'm going to say nah. If they pitch to me like a regular Major Leaguer, there is no way in hell I would make contact, let alone get a hit. However, they will quickly realize they don't have to pitch to me like a Major Leaguer. This will change two things, to varying degrees, depending on how far they go with it. The first is whether or not I actually end up getting a hit. If I'm pitched somewhere around 70 MPH with few breaking pitches, I'm sure I'd get a couple of hits. However, I doubt this would happen, for a couple of reasons. This brings me to the second thing, walks. If I were pitched to as a big leaguer, I'd get on base via walks. It wouldn't be close to Major League average, as my eye is not close to Major League average, but at the same time I have much less incentive to swing, so I'd probably be doing that less. Which brings us back to pitchers throwing softer in order to avoid walks.
First, let's analyze how that works in real baseball. I think that while taking something off your fastball does improve a pitcher's control, it hits diminishing returns quite quickly. My reasoning for this is twofold. First, pitchers are conditioned to throw the way they throw. Slowing down too much changes everything. It messed with their mechanics in ways that wouldn't necessarily be positive. The second point is that throwing a ball from 60 feet six inches away into a box roughly 500 inches square is really hard, even for a Major League pitcher.
Take 2019 for example. In 2019, non-pitchers batted .256. Pitchers, on the other hand, batted exactly half that, .128. As a result of pitchers being that much worse at hitting, the average fastball thrown to them was 92.4 MPH, as opposed to 93.2 MPH thrown to non-pitchers. While their walk rates were only 3.1%, well below the non-pitcher rate of 8.7%, I believe this is due mostly to pitchers' ineptitude at taking walks. This is because the drop in velocity only improved their Zone% from 41.6% to 49.9%. Not an insignificant difference, but still really close in context. You'd think pitchers would take off even more than the less than 1 MPH they do when throwing to pitchers, all it does is improve Zone% by 8.3%, but they don't.
So let's assume the average fastball I see is 89 MPH. I still have a hard time believing I'd get a hit on one of the slower pitches in that range. If all I saw was the lower bounds of this range over the course of a full season, sure. But that wouldn't be the case. I'd be seeing very few of those lower bounds pitches, not to mention a nice amount of breaking balls to keep me honest. I'm going to stick with 0 hits. I'm going walk rate will probably be somewhere around pitchers' walk rates. Again, my guessing pitches would be abysmal, but if I'm smart, I'd swing as little as possible. Working the count won't be a thing, and I probably won't be able to stick to my 'swing as little as possible' rule as well as I'd like, so 3% seems reasonable. 3% of 600 PA is 18 walks.
That gets me to a .000/.030/.000 slash line. Yeah, that looks about right.
The first thing we have to do to determine my batting runs is calculate my wOBA. Using 2019 numbers, that would be (18walks x.69walk constant +0didn't do anything else )/600PA =.021 wOBA
We then determine wRAA ((.021wOBA -.320lg wOBA )/1.157wOBA Scale )x600PA = -155.2 wRAA
There is a further adjustment based on league, but since I won't be putting myself on any specific team, I don't need to do this part.
-153.8 runs


Well the good news is that I'd only get on base 18 times. Simulating baserunning stats isn't exactly easy. Luckily, I noticed that players' sprint speeds are fairly strongly correlated with their BSR. When I put all the 2019 sprint speeds and BSR into excel, the conversion equation it gives me is (Sprint Speed x 0.0086-0.2348)=BSTimes on Base
Great. So now all there is to figure out is my sprint speed. I asked my wife to clock me running down the block at full speed, but she didn't seem so jazzed about the idea. Well if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself. Before I get into the numbers, bear in mind I was running down a 40 ft driveway with a flip phone in my hand, only gave myself about 5 feet to get to full speed, pressed the button at the starting point, probably started slowing down early, and then pressed it again at the ending point. Science.
I clocked myself at 2.08 seconds. I measured out the distance and it came out to 485 inches. Which is 233.2 in/sec. Convert that to feet, and I was running at 19.4 ft/sec. Which was below Brian McCann's 2019 league minimum speed of 22.2 ft/sec, but not so far off that it would make me think I did something wrong. Good enough for me. So if we plug my 19.4 ft/sec into the equation, we get -0.07 BSR per times on base. I expect to get on base 18 times, so it comes out to a -1.2 BSR for the season.
-155 runs.


Finally, the last step is to convert runs to wins. The 2019 Runs/Win number was 10.296. So if I divide -155 by 10.296 I end up with -15.1 WAR. Yikes. Let's put that in context. According to Fangraphs, I would cancel out any season of any great player if we were on the same team and then some. 1923 Ruth? Gone. 2002 Bonds? We would net -2.4 WAR. 2013 Trout? Not even close. If I were were to replace Edgar Martinez on the 2001 Mariners, the winningest team in modern history, they'd only win 96 games, but hey, we'd still make the playoffs! Same with the 1998 Yankees. And this is the conclusion we should come out with. I would not necessarily ruin the greatest teams of all time. So I deserve a shot.
TL;DR -15.1 WAR, but I deserve a shot.
submitted by slightlyaw_kward to baseball [link] [comments]

How much WAR would a perfect (yet shy) leadoff man accrue in a Major League season?

This is part 3 of my "How much WAR would ________ get?" series. You can find How much (negative) WAR would I accrue playing on a Major League team for a full season? here and How much (negative) WAR would a potato accrue playing centerfield for a Major League team for a full season? here.

That's right, boys and girls. We're back with a new conundrum. Let me set the stage. Speedy McHitterson has been discovered to be a perfect leadoff hitter. He makes every play in center, he steals second at every opportunity, he has a perfect eye, and when he's thrown a strike, he gets a hit every time. However, he's incredibly shy and afraid to overstep his bounds. This means he'll never swing at a pitch outside the zone, even if he knows he can hit it. He also will never go past first base on a hit, so every his is a single. Speedy is afraid of stepping on teammates toes, literally and figuratively, so he won't make any plays in the field that weren't meant for him. He's also fearful of being perceived as too overconfident, so stealing third is out of the question, let alone stealing home. But for the things he does do, he has a 100% success rate.
To the categories!

Positional Adjustment

Speedy, like Tate, will be manning center for a full season. 162 games of CF is worth 2.5 runs.

Replacement Level

As previously established, the average leadoff hitter would have ~761 PA per 162 games. But Speedy is no average leadoff hitter. Speedy will have a 1.000 OBP. Meaning compared to the average 255 on-base events for an average leadoff man, Speedy will have 761, which is an extra 506. Following the logic from last time, getting on base an extra 506 times will result in another 56 PA (If one out of every nine extra on-base events result in an extra PA). Which, in turn, will result in an extra 4 PA (I think). So in the end of the day, Speedy will end up with 821 PA on the season.
So if Replacement Level Runs = (570 x (MLB Games/2,430)) x (Runs Per Win/lgPA) x PA then 821 PA will be (570x(2430/2430))x(10.296/186516)x821 coming out to 25.8 Runs.
28.3 Runs


This one, it turns out, is quite simple. Similar to how we determined a potato's fielding runs, we compare this perfect player to the 2020 Cincinnati Reds centerfielders. To recap, in 2020, 227 balls were fielded by Reds center fielders. 86 of them went for singles, 22 went for doubles, 3 went for triples. There were no inside-the-park home runs. There were 109 catches made, plus 7 sac flies. This gives opponents a .490 wOBA on balls hit to Reds center fielders. Speedy, being perfect, would allow a 0 wOBA (his middle name is Fielder). Home run robberies are out of the question because, you know. So we'll compare them the same way we did last time, with the same formula we use to determine batting runs batting runs. First we determine the amount of opportunities a center fielder would get in a full season. In 2019, center fielders made 20962 plays. That's about 700 per team over a full season. So the calculation would go thusly:
((.000wOBA -.490lg wOBA )/1.1857wOBA Scale )x700Opportunities = 289.3 runs
I just realized something really cool. I actually calculated Tater to have this precise number of negative runs, because his wOBA allowed would be exactly double the average. This means if Speedy and Tate were to alternate games, they would average to a league average fielder.
317.6 Runs


We've already established a few facts. Speedy McHitterson will get about 821 PA in a season. He does not swing at balls outside the strikezone. He hits every ball in the strikezone for a single. This would result in a 1.000/1.000/1.000 slash line, but we would still need to determine how many walks and hits he'd get. So I put together a little table to figure that out.
Count Frequency Zone Out of Zone Strike odds Ball odds Strike overall odds Ball overall odds
0-0 1.000 95745 89033 .518 .482 .518 .482
0-1 .518 39460 53598 .424 .576 .220 .298
0-2 .220 14985 33022 .312 .688 .069 .151
1-0 .482 37702 33833 .527 .473 .254 .228
1-1 .552 35402 38838 .477 .523 .263 .289
1-2 .415 25414 44600 .363 .637 .150 .264
2-0 .228 13872 10640 .566 .434 .129 .099
2-1 .418 21098 17739 .543 .457 .227 .191
2-2 .491 37457 33526 .528 .472 .259 .232
3-0 .099 4573 2930 .609 .391 .060 .039
3-1 .251 9652 6289 .605 .395 .152 .099
3-2 .384 21163 16146 .567 .433 .218 .166
So to explain: the "Frequency" column is the overall frequency of the count, assuming no swings (which is important, as I'll explain in a second). This was determined by the following columns. "Zone" is pitches in the strikezone on that count. "Out of zone" is pitches outside the strikezone on that count. The next two columns are the percentages of a ball/strike in each count. Knowing that, we can tell the frequency of each count, if the batter never swung. 0-1 is going to be the odds of a strike on 0-0. 0-2 is going to be the odds of a strike on 0-1, times the odds of 0-1 occurring in the first place. 1-1 is the overall odds of a ball on 0-1 plus the overall odds of a strike on 1-0. We can use this chart to work out the number of walks of Mr. McHitterson. If he swings at every ball in the zone, and they all go for hits, the only way for him to get walked is if he's thrown four straight balls. According to this chart, that only happens 3.9% of the time, which we can now use as his walk rate. A 3.9% walk rate with 821 PA comes out to 32 walks in a season. Which leaves him with 789 hits, all for singles. Let's plug that into our wOBA formula. (32walks x.69walk constant +789singles x.870 single constant )/821PA =.863 wOBA
And from wOBA to wRAA: ((.863wOBA -.320lg wOBA )/1.157wOBA Scale )x821PA = 385.3 wRAA
702.9 Runs


To start, we give Speedy the same boost we gave Tate for never hitting into a double play. Over 821 PA, that comes up to 5.9 Runs. But the real value will come from stealing bases. To refresh, Speedy will steal second every time it's available. Afraid of looking like he's showing off, he will never attempt a double steal or a steal of third or home. We'll make the assumption that overall, the situations he's on base (always) will look like the league averages of occupied bases. There were 55998 plate appearances with men on first in 2019. Of those, 34240 (61%) were just a man on first. 12347 (22%) were first and second. 5026 (9%) were first and third. 4385 (8%) were bases loaded. This means that in 70% of situations with a man on first, second base was open. With a SB rate of 100% of the 70% of times on base (which is identical to the number of PAs) McHitterson had, this puts him at 575 steals for the season (that would be a record, by the way). Fangraphs gives .2 Runs per SB. This adds 115 Runs to our count, which comes out to a total of 121.8 baserunning runs. 824.7 Runs


824.7 is a lot of runs. If we do the 10.296 Runs/Win conversion it comes out to 80.1 WAR. As I said, that's a loooooooot. [Speedy could split time with Tate and they'd still combine for 32.5 WAR. It would take over five Taters to cancel out a Speedy.] EDIT: In my excitement, I accidentally confused myself with a potato. I'm the one who'd combine for 32.5 WAR. I'm the one who would need to be cloned five times to cancel out a Speedy. Tate and Speedy would actually combine to have a 17.6 WAR, which is still better than the best single-season WAR of all time. Two Taters would more than cancel out a Speedy. If you put Speedy on a team that literally did nothing else, he'd still make them roughly a .500 team.
TL;DR 80.1 WAR - Holy Fuck
Coming soon.....If Shohei Ohtani were actually Superman, how much WAR would he get?
submitted by slightlyaw_kward to baseball [link] [comments]

OOTP Calculator update: Now with projections!

submitted by dangraphs to OOTP [link] [comments]

A Statistical Analysis to Determine and Improve upon the ICC's Team of the "Decade"

Let's be honest, the ICC's teams of the decade was a wee bit rubbish. Plenty have mentioned this on here, discussing it from a number of fronts. Personally, the fact that they picked a 'keeper' who didn't keep once in the decade says it all, but I figured I'd go over another way of picking such a team, just starting from a method and running with it.
Now, before I go any further, I would add that personally, the decade ended at the end of 2019. This is entirely a point about conventions, but one I feel should be noted before moving on to analyse this. I note this, in part, because I already gave my team of the decade last year, though by a slightly different method. So, what are these conventions? Well, as most would know, the Gregorian Calendar starts form 1 AD, so when noting centuries, they start from a year ending with 1, and end with a year ending 0, eg:
It was also the point of contention for a bunch of people, who didn't like parties, who questioned whether 31 December 1999 was end the of the Millennium or not. Now, many would say 'who cares', and personally I agree, it's just a point about convention. That brings us perfectly to the point of decades though. There are two standard conventions:
1st: From 0-9, with decades labelled as 'the eighties' or '80s', the nineties' or '90s', etc. This aligns with how the decades are written, ie all years that start with an 8 are the 80s.
2nd: From 1-10, with decades labelled as '9th decade of the 20th century', '10th decade of the 20th century', etc. This aligns with how centuries are labelled.
Now, the second is very uncommon, and research on usage in the English speaking World tends to show that the first is overwhelmingly more common. Ask yourself, have you heard of 90s fashion, or fashion from the 10th decade? If you're in the later group, congrats, the ICC agrees with you.
Again, irrelevant, but to me it just seems odd to label the end of the decade as being now, but hey, the ICC can go against conventions if they wish. It's not really a mistake by them, but it really does set the stage for what they did.
Now, looking deeper, their convention is weirder than it first seems. The ICC lists Smith as having 7,040 runs in 69 Tests, and Kohli as having 20,396 in all international cricket. Now, the Smith figure confirms the December tests are not included, and this is also shown in the Kohli figure, which should be 20,781. The figure appears to be limited to prior to the current season, ie 2020/21, but starts with the beginning of 2011 as a year, not the 2010/11 season or the 2011. This means they've used a weird mixed convention, likely so they had time to consider things. Still, this is quite frankly just ridiculous, and I will be using figure current up to the end of the Test between New Zealand and Pakistan. This does mean that the period used by me is slightly different to the ICC's, but the ICC's period is just so silly that I won't be using it.
Anyhow, into methodology. I'll be using similar methods to my previous post. You can read that if you want a full rundown, but now the range is 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2020 (there is no international cricket tomorrow). The team will be, as before:
There will be no preference towards bowling or batting allrounders, nor will there be a preference to style of bowling.
Unlike last time, I will not be providing a breakdown by number and fraction of matches played, etc, instead opting for one team, ICC style. The only requirement for consideration is at least 10 Tests played, with the issue of small sample size dealt with more directly. To achieve this, I'll be using a similar manner to this post, where uncertainty in averages will be considered, as well as what the 'average player' achieves. This will gives us a kind of 'Bayesian rating', which in effect tells us the rating for that skill that we can be confident of, given the amount of data we have. That is, we'll be using Bayesian inference to convert the average we have, to the certainty given by the sample size, to see how good we can be confident they are. The 'average player' will be the average player for that skill set, this being batting in the top 6 for batters, and top 4 for bowlers, with an additional requirement of bowling at least 1 innings per match. All roles for batting and bowling are collapsed into one for the calculations themselves, ie openers, number 3, all rounder batting etc will all use the same average as part of the prior. All rounders and wicket keepers will follow their own ratings, and this will be discussed later.
What's more, I'll 'cheat' a bit with the uncertainties. For batsmen, it will be their batting average divided by the square root of dismissals. This works as the standard deviation of batting scores is approximately the average (within about 5-10% for virtually all players with 40+ innings); the impact of this difference is very small in almost all cases. For bowlers, the same will be done for average, while the uncertainty for WPM is estimated from 0.6×WPM divided by the square root of wickets taken. This is being used for keeping dismissals per match as well. This works about as well as the estimate for uncertainty of averages, though the reasons why this is the case is unknown to me at this time. Figuring out the reasons why might be an interesting investigation in and of itself, though I'd suspect more niche.
In terms of actual ratings, for batsmen, they will be rated by batting average, and selection will be broken into several groups, including openers, the number 3, and 2 middle order batsmen. Openers will only be compared in terms of statistics while opening, with the same going for the number 3. The other two positions will consider batting across any and all positions, ie openers and number 3 are deemed specialists, while 4-5 are not.
For bowlers, I'll be using a rating based on two metrics, the bowling average and wickets per match. That is, bowlers will be valued for both their contribution to wicket taking, and taking wickets cheaply. This is combined with a geometric mean of WPM and 1/average, and in effect includes economy and SR as part of the definition. Bowlers will be selected as either seamers or spinners, and the best 3 seamers and best spinner will be selected for the side.
As to allrounders, the geometric mean of batting and bowling ratings will be used, and the best allrounder by this will be added to the side. In order to generate a usable definition of the 'average allrounder', statistics only from players who have batted in the top 8 in at least 10 matches, and bowling at least 1 innings per match played, will be considered. This said, their full records are considered the ratings themselves.
For wicket keepers, I'll be using the disgusting metric from this post, just so it's not purely about batting average. This is just the geometric mean of batting average and dismissals per match. It's sickening, but it will do for our purposes, and will at least give some value to keeping, though biased by the kinds of dismissals their team gets. The 'average player' used here will be the average of all eligible wicket keepers, this will smooth out players who dominate, or struggle, with the bat to some extent.
The final side will be put in order of batting average, highest to lowest, excluding the specialist positions of openers and number 3. Players will also be picked for roles in the following order:
  1. Wicket Keepers
  2. All Rounder
  3. Opener
  4. Number 3
  5. Top Order Batsman
  6. Bowler
ie if a player would make it on their batting or bowling alone, they will still go in as an allrounder first. The same with batsmen as keepers.
Anyhow, below are the results, top 10 for each role:


Player Mat Inns Runs Ave B-Ave
DA Warner (AUS) 84 152 7205 49.69 47.60
AN Cook (ENG) 97 176 7482 44.54 43.61
Azhar Ali (PAK) 20 37 1556 45.76 42.03
CJL Rogers (AUS) 24 46 1996 44.36 41.81
TWM Latham (NZ) 54 94 3867 42.97 41.78
MA Agarwal (INDIA) 13 21 1005 47.86 41.67
CH Gayle (WI) 12 23 841 46.72 40.89
GC Smith (SA) 27 48 1843 41.89 40.25
D Elgar (SA) 56 100 3757 40.40 39.77
S Dhawan (INDIA) 34 58 2315 40.61 39.63
So, Warner and Cook are the picks here, and fairly decisively, as would be expected.

Number 3

Player Match Inns Runs Ave B-Ave
KC Sangakkara (SL) 39 71 4068 61.64 51.84
KS Williamson (NZ) 72 124 6283 56.10 51.44
SPD Smith (AUS) 17 29 1744 67.08 46.99
CA Pujara (INDIA) 72 115 5314 48.31 46.06
HM Amla (SA) 61 100 4503 48.42 45.82
M Labuschagne (AUS) 10 17 1203 70.76 44.56
Azhar Ali (PAK) 56 95 4000 43.96 42.54
GS Ballance (ENG) 16 29 1254 46.44 41.80
IR Bell (ENG) 11 15 742 53.00 41.65
R Dravid (INDIA) 13 24 943 42.86 39.83
Williamson narrowly misses out to Sangakkara here, though given how good he was at 3, it's understandable. Smith sneakily into third is a surprise to me, but honestly, the field is pretty weak outside Sangakkara and Williamson.

Other Top Order

Player Mat Inns Runs Average B-Ave
SPD Smith (AUS) 71 127 7050 64.09 56.00
KC Sangakkara (SL) 40 77 4156 57.72 50.52
V Kohli (INDIA) 87 147 7318 53.42 50.24
KS Williamson (NZ) 79 138 6665 53.32 49.93
S Chanderpaul (WI) 35 61 2804 60.96 49.40
Younis Khan (PAK) 53 97 4659 54.17 49.32
AB de Villiers (SA) 49 80 4063 54.17 48.83
MJ Clarke (AUS) 47 86 3946 51.92 47.57
DA Warner (AUS) 84 155 7244 48.95 47.05
Misbah-ul-Haq (PAK) 54 95 3994 49.93 46.48
So, Smith in comfortably, and Virat joins him with Sangakkara already in at 3. Williamson again misses out, and narrowly as before.

All Rounder

Player Mat Bat-A WPM Bowl-A Rating AllRond B-AllRond
R Ashwin (INDIA) 73 27.48 5.137 25.22 0.4513 3.521 3.034
RA Jadeja (INDIA) 50 35.67 4.320 24.49 0.4200 3.871 2.996
Shakib Al Hasan (BDESH) 35 44.72 3.857 30.57 0.3552 3.985 2.977
BA Stokes (ENG) 67 37.85 2.358 31.41 0.2740 3.220 2.898
VD Philander (SA) 64 24.04 3.500 22.32 0.3960 3.085 2.814
JO Holder (WI) 45 32.05 2.578 27.95 0.3037 3.120 2.783
MA Starc (AUS) 59 22.16 4.271 26.75 0.3996 2.976 2.760
MM Ali (ENG) 60 28.98 3.017 36.60 0.2871 2.884 2.727
MG Johnson (AUS) 32 22.47 4.250 27.07 0.3963 2.984 2.700
CR Woakes (ENG) 38 27.52 2.947 29.30 0.3171 2.954 2.698
Lack of cricket over the period costs Shakib here, and honestly, I'd give it to Jadeja over Ashwin personally, but Ashwin it is. Stokes' rise in the last few years is notable however, but he remains some way behind the big 3 here. For those who demand a 4th seamer, he'd be the pick.

Wicket Keeper

Player Mat Inns Ave Dis DPM Rating B-Rating
Q de Kock (SA) 46 77 40.31 206 4.478 13.435 11.98
AB de Villiers (SA) 21 33 63.06 83 3.952 15.788 11.80
BJ Watling (NZ) 64 97 40.17 249 3.891 12.501 11.69
JM Bairstow (ENG) 48 85 37.85 181 3.771 11.947 11.34
RR Pant (INDIA) 14 23 38.32 65 4.643 13.338 11.18
MJ Prior (ENG) 40 63 39.04 142 3.550 11.772 11.15
TD Paine (AUS) 29 45 31.39 134 4.621 12.043 11.13
Sarfaraz Ahmed (PAK) 48 84 37.34 163 3.396 11.260 10.95
LD Chandimal (SL) 24 43 41.08 72 3.000 11.101 10.77
MS Dhoni (INDIA) 37 63 34.84 126 3.405 10.892 10.72
So, the top three really stand out. AB's excellent cameo as a keeper stands out, but is too few matches to have high certainty. There's no surprise about the other two, but ultimately BJ's handy work this decade isn't enough to finish de Kock off, who is ultimately the pick here.


Player Mat W WPM Ave Rating Bayes
PJ Cummins (AUS) 32 153 4.781 21.52 0.4714 0.4133
K Rabada (SA) 43 197 4.581 22.96 0.4467 0.4091
DW Steyn (SA) 48 207 4.313 22.56 0.4373 0.4056
JM Anderson (ENG) 100 395 3.950 24.33 0.4029 0.3918
JJ Bumrah (INDIA) 16 76 4.750 20.68 0.4792 0.3900
N Wagner (NZ) 51 219 4.294 26.33 0.4039 0.3848
MA Starc (AUS) 59 252 4.271 26.75 0.3996 0.3837
VD Philander (SA) 64 224 3.500 22.32 0.3960 0.3811
RJ Harris (AUS) 22 93 4.227 23.33 0.4256 0.3801
TG Southee (NZ) 65 271 4.169 27.00 0.3929 0.3798
So, the three to go through are Cummins, Rabada and Steyn. Anderson misses out, and fairly comfortably in the end, with Bumrah already challenging him due to a simply sublime start to his test career; those are crazy good numbers in your first 16 Tests. That said, Anderson would have missed out just going by average as well, of course. The ICC's own pick, Broad, is 11th on this list, and even that is largely just on the raw amount of cricket played decreasing uncertainty compared to those around him.


Player Mat W WPM Ave Rating Bayes
R Ashwin (INDIA) 73 375 5.137 25.22 0.4513 0.4255
HMRKB Herath (SL) 69 355 5.145 26.30 0.4423 0.4180
Saeed Ajmal (PAK) 26 145 5.577 25.46 0.4680 0.4064
RA Jadeja (INDIA) 50 216 4.320 24.49 0.4200 0.3955
Yasir Shah (PAK) 43 227 5.279 30.85 0.4136 0.3899
PP Ojha (INDIA) 13 71 5.462 24.27 0.4744 0.3829
Abdur Rehman (PAK) 18 79 4.389 26.85 0.4043 0.3666
S Shillingford (WI) 11 56 5.091 29.00 0.4190 0.3624
NM Lyon (AUS) 98 394 4.020 31.64 0.3565 0.3527
Shakib Al Hasan (BDESH) 35 135 3.857 30.57 0.3552 0.3467
As would be expected, Ashwin would be the pick, but because he's in as the allrounder, Herath is in instead. There's a good argument that on balance it should be Ashwin in here, and Jadeja in as the allrounder, but I'll stick with the 'top of the list' method here. You could also argue Ashwin and Jadeja being in just to strengthen the batting, but again, we'll stick to that method.

Final XI

Position Player Bat Ave DPM WPM Bowl Ave
1 Warner 49.69 NA NA NA
2 Cook 44.54 NA NA NA
3 Sangakkara 61.64 NA NA NA
4 Smith 64.09 NA 0.197 57.64
5 Kohli* 53.42 NA 0.000 NA
6 de Kock† 40.31 4.478 NA NA
7 Ashwin 27.48 NA 5.137 25.22
8 Cummins 16.54 NA 4.781 21.52
9 Herath 14.92 NA 5.145 26.30
10 Steyn 13.53 NA 4.313 22.56
11 Rabada 11.43 NA 4.581 22.96
Please note that while the adjusted averages were used in the decision, the final list is just given with the raw figures for comparison. Virat was given the captaincy as I'm not convinced he'd play if he wasn't, even in a hypothetical best XI.
In any case, I feel that's a better take on this than the ICC's, particularly given the keeper has actually kept wicket this decade. The choice of time, and team, was poor by the ICC, but ultimately all this is just for a laugh anyhow. The figures themselves could also justify some different permutations, like AB in for de Kock, and Jadeja in for Herath if you want a more batting allrounder, with Ashwin playing primarily as a spinner. The latter may be useful, as that side has a very long tail. That said, they're notionally taking 24 wickets per match, so they'll be right. In all seriousness, it's an interesting question of what would happen if you put 5 players who are so dominant with the ball together in one side. Would their averages improve while the WPM decrease? That's an interesting investigation in and of itself.
In any case, while there are a few rough edges in this analysis, particularly around the keeper, hopefully it's a bit of food for thought. At the very least, it actually covers the 'decade', and has a keeper that kept this decade, so there's that.

Edit: Now that I reread it, that title's a bit poor. It should have been: A Statistical Analysis to Determine a Team of the "Decade" to Improve Upon the ICC's. Oh well, too late now.

submitted by Anothergen to Cricket [link] [comments]

Cody Bellinger’s war quadruples in 7 days

Cody Bellinger’s war quadruples in 7 days submitted by flpski to Dodgers [link] [comments]

Correction and Feedback on a Statistical Method to Determine a Team of the "Decade"

This is a follow up to this thread, which generated some very interesting discussion. Usually, I like to leave work as it is, but a few good points were raised, and in discussion with a poster on something unrelated, I discovered an error in my calculation. This thread seeks to correct this error, and take into account some suggestions that I personally felt were quite valid.
The first, funnily enough came from me about 4 seconds after I posted the thread. The use of 0.6×WPM to estimate the standard deviation for each player felt sketchy when I wrote it, and I regretted this choice immediately after, simply because I didn't feel it was well justified. So, I figured I'd do a slightly longer justification of this, and see if we can get a better estimate of it. To achieve this, I'll be using the 15 bowlers with 50+ tests bowling in the first 4 roles, though looking at their overall statistics. I've also made a minor adjustment to the requirements here of bowlers needing to bowl at least 20 overs per match, which changes virtually nothing, but I already did a day or so ago, and figured I'll leave in. In any case, the results are like the more general tests I did a while ago, though 0.60 does seem a bit of a low 'rule of thumb' estimate, with the average being 0.6410, and the standard deviation in this being 0.0802. Due to this, I figured rather than going through and redoing my code entirely, etc, I'd just up the rule of thumb from 0.6000 to 0.7000. This is a dirty, dirty way of doing it, but the method was already dirty as hell.
The second concern raised was around the nature of this being a team of the decade. The question was raised as to whether or not someone who has only been playing a handful of years this decade should even be considered. On this basis, on the corrected teams, I'll disqualify anyone who has not been active for at least 5 years of the decade. This will be defined by the year of their first and last tests that decade. So someone who played in 2011 and 2015 would be eligible, even if they didn't play in 2012-14.
The third was around selection criteria. Selecting players an allrounder before a specialist does indeed make no sense, and I'm glad a couple of people raised this as a concern. The reason I agree with them here can be seen in the actual team as picked. Picking Ashwin as an allrounder first meant that a weaker batter was in the side, and an even weaker one was picked as the spinner in Herath. If we went the other way, it would be Ashwin as the spinner, and Jadeja as the allrounder. This makes sense, as ideally you pick your best bowlers as... well, the bowlers, and then others come into the frame due to their other qualities, rather than the other way around. This means that the order of picking players will go:
  1. Wicket Keepers
  2. Bowlers
  3. Openers
  4. Number 3
  5. Top Order Batsmen
  6. All Rounders
ie, start from the hard to fill roles. There is certainly more discussion that can be had around this.
Finally, the big one, and the reason I made this post was an error with how I propagated uncertainty. The calculations with a geometric mean should propagate uncertainty with a factor of a half, but... well, when I wrote the code I just forgot to put it in there. This means that in all calculations which involved one of these geometric means, the uncertainty was doubled. This happened for wicket keepers, bowlers and allrounders, twice over for all rounders even. This does indeed have an impact. Whoopsies.
While batters are completely unaffected by this error, I'll post their data anyhow, just as a chance to discuss if we need to for eligibility. Eligibility will only be discussed for players who would be picked if not for it.
Anyhow, let's get picking, this time in selection order.

Wicket Keeper

Player Mat Runs Ave Dis D/M Rating B-Rating
AB de Villiers (SA) 21 1955 63.06 83 3.952 15.79 13.33
Q de Kock (SA) 46 2902 40.31 206 4.478 13.43 12.80
BJ Watling (NZ) 64 3374 40.17 249 3.891 12.50 12.18
RR Pant (INDIA) 14 843 38.32 65 4.643 13.34 12.00
JM Bairstow (ENG) 48 3028 37.85 181 3.771 11.95 11.70
TD Paine (AUS) 29 1130 31.39 134 4.621 12.04 11.60
MJ Prior (ENG) 40 2069 39.04 142 3.550 11.77 11.50
Sarfaraz Ahmed (PAK) 48 2651 37.34 163 3.396 11.26 11.14
LD Chandimal (SL) 24 1602 41.08 72 3.000 11.10 10.94
MS Dhoni (INDIA) 37 1951 34.84 126 3.405 10.89 10.82
So, with the correction AB is clearly favoured, largely on his batting.


Player Mat W WPM Ave Rating B-Rating
R Ashwin (INDIA) 73 375 5.137 25.22 0.4513 0.4417
Saeed Ajmal (PAK) 26 145 5.577 25.46 0.4680 0.4401
HMRKB Herath (SL) 69 355 5.145 26.30 0.4423 0.4333
PP Ojha (INDIA) 13 71 5.462 24.27 0.4744 0.4247
RA Jadeja (INDIA) 50 216 4.320 24.49 0.4200 0.4108
Yasir Shah (PAK) 43 227 5.279 30.85 0.4136 0.4045
S Shillingford (WI) 11 56 5.091 29.00 0.4190 0.3895
Abdur Rehman (PAK) 18 79 4.389 26.85 0.4043 0.3874
NM Lyon (AUS) 98 394 4.020 31.64 0.3565 0.3554
Shakib Al Hasan (BDESH) 35 135 3.857 30.57 0.3552 0.3524
Ashwin, of course, wins. Ajmal was damn close, but would not have been eligible anyhow, as he was only playing for a 4 year stretch in the decade, 2011-2014.


Player Mat W WPM Ave Rating B-Rating
PJ Cummins (AUS) 32 153 4.781 21.52 0.4714 0.4460
JJ Bumrah (INDIA) 16 76 4.750 20.68 0.4792 0.4327
K Rabada (SA) 43 197 4.581 22.96 0.4467 0.4317
DW Steyn (SA) 48 207 4.313 22.56 0.4373 0.4250
D Olivier (SA) 10 48 4.800 19.25 0.4994 0.4249
RJ Harris (AUS) 22 93 4.227 23.33 0.4256 0.4053
BW Hilfenhaus (AUS) 11 47 4.273 22.06 0.4401 0.3999
JM Anderson (ENG) 100 395 3.950 24.33 0.4029 0.3992
N Wagner (NZ) 51 219 4.294 26.33 0.4039 0.3969
MA Starc (AUS) 59 252 4.271 26.75 0.3996 0.3939
Bumrah's impressive record really stands out, here, but ultimately he is not eligible due to only playing since 2018, so a 3 year stretch. This means an unchanged trio of Cummins, Rabada and Steyn are picked. Cummins is eligible as he debuted in 2011, and has played in 5 separate years anyhow (2011, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020). Bumrah's efforts deserve a mention though. He's yet to even play a home Test, yet boasts such a record, which is truly ridiculous. Not to get too off on a tangent here, but look at the best away records (min 50 wickets):
Player Mat W WPM Ave Rat
WJ O'Reilly (AUS) 15 85 5.667 21.19 0.5171
JA Snow (ENG) 12 62 5.167 20.92 0.4970
Sir RJ Hadlee (NZ) 43 230 5.349 21.72 0.4962
PM Pollock (SA) 11 60 5.455 22.23 0.4953
J Garner (WI) 29 136 4.690 19.74 0.4874
PJ Cummins (AUS) 14 72 5.143 21.86 0.4850
JJ Bumrah (INDIA) 16 76 4.750 20.68 0.4792
FH Tyson (ENG) 13 56 4.308 18.96 0.4766
GD McGrath (AUS) 58 274 4.724 20.81 0.4764
Mohammad Asif (PAK) 19 96 5.053 22.50 0.4739
That is some high company, and honestly, it's hard to not get excited about a potential addition to the pantheon of all time greats. Not for this "decade" though. Moving along:


Player Mat Inns Runs Ave B-Ave
DA Warner (AUS) 84 152 7205 49.69 47.60
AN Cook (ENG) 97 176 7482 44.54 43.61
Azhar Ali (PAK) 20 37 1556 45.76 42.03
CJL Rogers (AUS) 24 46 1996 44.36 41.81
TWM Latham (NZ) 54 94 3867 42.97 41.78
MA Agarwal (INDIA) 13 21 1005 47.86 41.67
CH Gayle (WI) 12 23 841 46.72 40.89
GC Smith (SA) 27 48 1843 41.89 40.25
D Elgar (SA) 56 100 3757 40.40 39.77
S Dhawan (INDIA) 34 58 2315 40.61 39.63
No eligibility concerns, it's Warner and Cook still. I did read some crying about Warner's away record. You can read my thoughts on that here.

Number 3

Player Match Inns Runs Ave B-Ave
KC Sangakkara (SL) 39 71 4068 61.64 51.84
KS Williamson (NZ) 72 124 6283 56.10 51.44
SPD Smith (AUS) 17 29 1744 67.08 46.99
CA Pujara (INDIA) 72 115 5314 48.31 46.06
HM Amla (SA) 61 100 4503 48.42 45.82
M Labuschagne (AUS) 10 17 1203 70.76 44.56
Azhar Ali (PAK) 56 95 4000 43.96 42.54
GS Ballance (ENG) 16 29 1254 46.44 41.80
IR Bell (ENG) 11 15 742 53.00 41.65
R Dravid (INDIA) 13 24 943 42.86 39.83
I got a number of posts question why Sangakkara would bat three, and not play as keeper. As noted, he didn't keep this decade, and wasn't any better than someone like de Kock with the bat when he did the previous decade, and he was a monster at 3, as shown above. He did indeed play in 5 years of the decade, from 2011-2015, so he is eligible. Sangakkara it is.

Other Top Order Batsmen

Player Mat Inns Runs Average B-Ave
SPD Smith (AUS) 71 127 7050 64.09 56.00
KC Sangakkara (SL) 40 77 4156 57.72 50.52
V Kohli (INDIA) 87 147 7318 53.42 50.24
KS Williamson (NZ) 79 138 6665 53.32 49.93
S Chanderpaul (WI) 35 61 2804 60.96 49.40
Younis Khan (PAK) 53 97 4659 54.17 49.32
AB de Villiers (SA) 49 80 4063 54.17 48.83
MJ Clarke (AUS) 47 86 3946 51.92 47.57
DA Warner (AUS) 84 155 7244 48.95 47.05
Misbah-ul-Haq (PAK) 54 95 3994 49.93 46.48
It's Smith and Kohli, as Sangakkara is at 3, just as before.

All Rounders

Player Mat Bat-Ave WPM Bowl-Ave Rating AllRnd B-AllRnd
Shakib Al Hasan (BDESH) 35 44.72 3.857 30.57 0.3552 3.985 3.607
RA Jadeja (INDIA) 50 35.67 4.320 24.49 0.4200 3.871 3.535
R Ashwin (INDIA) 73 27.48 5.137 25.22 0.4513 3.521 3.376
BA Stokes (ENG) 67 37.85 2.358 31.41 0.2740 3.220 3.143
JO Holder (WI) 45 32.05 2.578 27.95 0.3037 3.120 3.021
VD Philander (SA) 64 24.04 3.500 22.32 0.3960 3.085 3.008
MA Starc (AUS) 59 22.16 4.271 26.75 0.3996 2.976 2.914
C de Grandhomme (NZ) 24 37.03 1.958 31.64 0.2488 3.035 2.890
MG Johnson (AUS) 32 22.47 4.250 27.07 0.3963 2.984 2.887
CR Woakes (ENG) 38 27.52 2.947 29.30 0.3171 2.954 2.872
The correction really helps Shakib, whose only issue was uncertainty around his performances. This is entirely my mistake, and he makes the list handily in the end.

Final Corrected XI:

Position Player Bat Ave DPM WPM Bowl Ave
1 Warner 49.69 NA NA NA
2 Cook 44.54 NA NA NA
3 Sangakkara 61.64 NA NA NA
4 Smith 64.09 NA 0.197 57.64
5 de Villiers† 63.06 3.952 NA NA
6 Kohli* 53.42 NA 0.000 NA
7 Shakib 44.72 NA 3.857 30.57
8 Ashwin 27.48 NA 5.137 25.22
9 Cummins 16.54 NA 4.781 21.52
10 Steyn 13.53 NA 4.313 22.56
11 Rabada 11.43 NA 4.581 22.96
So yeah, that's not far off what a lot of people suggested in the comments. The idea of Kohli coming in at 6 after the keeper tickles me slightly, but I did just follow the method. Shakib in the side looks damn good too, and the issues surrounding a long tail have been well and truly dealt with.
Edit: Fixed error in allrounders table, which listed WPM to no decimal places.
submitted by Anothergen to Cricket [link] [comments]

How to Spend $30 Million Dollars... or candlesticks always make a nice gift

As we near the 2021 season, it would appear the Mets are not done dealing ... unless the need to buy a bunch of GameStop stocks for some reason. The Mets FO has made moves that the fanbase could not have even anticipated coming into the offseason and, even if the season were to start today, have put the team on a trajectory to compete for the NL East title. I'll use this wonderful Dan Symborski Fangraph's piece to illustrate where the Mets currently stack up in the standings - and set the table for my argument later, how the team should be looking for more high-leverage wins.
TL;DR DEFENSE, DEFENSE, ... and pitching depth, I guess
For those who didn't want to spoil it, I believe that up-the-middle defense is the area where the Mets have the easiest time picking up high-leverage runs/wins. I'll try to show my math below, but what I cannot show is the peace of mind the team could be providing its pitchers with the best up-the-middle defense in baseball. Cool side of the pillow.
For $21.5M, the Mets can pick up X wins () and have the best up-the-middle defense in baseball by signing Kolten Wong (3 yr, $29.1M) and trading for Kevin Kiermaier ($11.5M per year owed over 2 years).
I am going to be using the FanGraphs WAR calculation with OFF (offensive runs above average, BR+BRR), UZ150, and assuming 10 runs = a win here to estimate the impact of acquiring and moving players around. There will be added (untracked) value of having fantastic bats coming off the bench (or giving days off) in the forms of Dom and JD Davis. Below is the WAR formula for reference.
WAR = (Batting Runs + Base Running Runs +Fielding Runs + Positional Adjustment + League Adjustment +Replacement Runs) / (Runs Per Win) 
*note for this calculation we won't use replacement runs or league adjustment as they'll remain constants (and yea, I'm using DRS (using totals at the respective positions since 2018 averaged over 150 games), rather than DEF).
The Infield
OFF (ZiPs 2021) UZ150
2B: McNeil Constant (C) 0.2
3B: Davis 2.3 -3.9
runs: -1.4+C
2B: Wong -2.2 7.7
3B: McNeil Constant 11.1 (small sample size, so I'll instead use ~5 to be fair)
runs: ~10.5 + C, or net +11 runs (~1.1 wins)
Infield Summary: The assumption here is that the team can pick up 1.1 wins plugging in Kolton Wong's defense (and doesn't count the benefit of having Davis on the bench) 
The Outfield
OFF (ZiPS 2021) UZ150
CF: Nimmo Constant (C) -12.5
LF: Smith 8.1 -25 (small, but yuck, sample size - to be fair lets realistically knock it to -15)
runs: -19.4+C
post-Kiermaier (assuming Kiermaier would cost very little in prospects)
OFF (ZiPS) UZ150
CF: Kiermaier -7.3 15.8
LF: Nimmo Constant -1.5
runs: 7 + C, or net 26.4 runs (~2.6 wins)
Ouftfield Summary: 2.6 wins without factoring any added Dom ABs (but I know, realistically if Dom is on the team you gotta find him ABs) 
Those defensive runs saved certainly pass the eye-test ... and offensively the Mets wouldn't lose Dom or Davis's bats.
So far we are ~ +3.7 wins
As for those of you wondering about the last $8.5M (+$10M more if they can find a suitor for Familia's contract), ... let's plug Taijuan Walker into the #5 spot in the rotation for a good value of 1.2 WAR (ZiPS) at his crowd-sourced $9M price-tag.
So for the same $30M of Bauer's price-tag you can get defense up-the-middle to improve the whole pitching staff, which is a benefit hidden from the stats, and a roughly-estimated 4.9 additional wins (plus the value of having Dom and Davis's bats coming off the bench or ready to fill-in for IF/OF injuries).
Okay, that's it. LFGM.
submitted by ohm_e to NewYorkMets [link] [comments]


After some long, unexpected delays, we’re proud to announce that the first version of the hack pack is done! Let’s cut right to the chase.

Gecko Codes

MSSB Gecko Code Google Doc

What’s in the Doc?

Included Codes:

\included in the "Competitive Build"*

Some codes in progress/planned for future releases:

Additional Notes (please read):

For the Duplicate Character Code, use with challenge mode has not been thoroughly tested yet, but does not seem to have any game-breaking bugs. Also you cannot pick anyone in challenge mode until you unlock at least one character (since the game doesn’t let you deselect characters until you unlock one). Currently you also cannot pick the same captain as the other player, but we will try to add in that feature in a future release.
Anyone who had early access to our codes for testing purposes is advised to delete your old codes and replace them with the new ones, as the old codes are likely bugged/imperfect.
As part of the doc, there is a link to a spreadsheet which has all of the character stats which were found in the game's code (everyone say thank you to PeacockSlayer). This table has the stats listed in decimal format for a more reader-friendly version. Additionally it should be noted that those stats are for star-characters turned OFF. Switching a character to superstar mode seems to boost some of their stats by 50.
The very end of the table (labled in purple) are the chemistry charts. The values range from 0-100. These numbers are used for team star calculations when drafting a team. The game will average each player's chemistry with the captain and convert the average to team stars. The key is as follows (x̄ = average captain chemistry):
We’re really happy to be able to put out a first release and are excited to move forward from here. There was a delay in the release because we are a very small team at the moment, and so it’s very common for us to miss out on working on it together. It’s for this reason that i’m again reaching out to the community to see if anyone with the skills/motivation is interested in joining the team and helping out in any way they can. If you’re interested, feel free to pm me!

Have any questions/suggestions or want to report a bug? Let us know in the replies to this post!
submitted by LittleCoaks to MarioBaseball [link] [comments]

Reverse Engineering the ICC Test Batting Rankings

Reverse Engineering the ICC Test Batting Rankings
TLDR: I tried to replicate the ICC Test Batting Ratings formula from a 30-year-old book and got decently accurate results.
Skip to Results for the graphs
Link to spreadsheet where I did all my calculations
Link to sections of the book that describes the algorithm
For a while now I’ve been interested in finding the formula for how the ICC Player Ratings are calculated. I figured that, although it might be quite complex, there would be some complete formula or algorithm specified somewhere online. But alas, after quite a few google searches, I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. The most information I could find was from this site, which is either old and has been superseded by the more current site or was never official in the first place. So eventually, I decided it would be fun try to reverse engineer them for myself.
Disclaimer: This was really just a proof of concept, the method I used was inexact and often not very scientific. If I wanted to do this properly, I’d probably need use a lot more sophisticated tools and software that I’m unaware of. All of this is to say that this is largely just to get the jist of the formula and I could be talking out my arse at points, but hopefully it is still interesting!
The Ancient Sacred Texts
In order for this to be remotely possible I needed data in the right format I needed to know what variables were actually taken into account. I had some idea of that from the aforementioned FAQ but I eventually found myself asking around on the member forums of the ACS (which if you haven’t heard of, I strongly suggest you check it out). They very kindly pointed me to this book, which provided almost all the information I needed to try to replicate the rankings. The final section of the book very handily gives a fairly detailed description of the algorithm used by the Deloitte Ratings, which went on to become the official ICC Ratings. However, it was written all the way back in 1990 and it is very possible that the rankings have changed quite a bit in the past 30 years. As well as this, there are some aspects that are left out that I had to guess/figure out for myself, which we’ll get onto later
The Data
Of course, I also needed to have all the data, from the description in the book I knew the raw data I needed to calculate the change in rankings after a match were as follows:
· The scores of each batsman in each innings
· Whether or not the batsman was not out at the end of his innings
· The bowling rating of each bowler at the start of the match
· The number of overs bowled by each bowler
· The batting rating of all batsmen before the match
· The winner of the match
· The number of innings played by the batsman before the match
Most of these things can be taken from the scorecard of a given match. I used CricketArchive because it seemed more consistent and easier to parse than cricinfo scorecards. Thankfully, you can also find the batting and bowling rankings at any given date in the history of Test Cricket online pretty easily here. So after messing around in Power Query for a few days I was able to fumble together a script that could take the scorecard link as input and then combine all this data together for all the batsmen involved in the match and spit it out. My dodgy script only worked completely on about half the matches I gave it and the webpages only show the top 100 at any given time (meaning you had to be in the top 100 batsmen both before and after the match for me to be able to find your rating), so after throwing it around 35 test matches since the start of 2017 I was left with 218 individual match performances as data points with which to experiment.
The Algorithm
Deriving the Match Score
The ratings are a weighted average of scores given to each individual innings, and the book provides this equation for getting the new rating after an innings
*After looking at the book I tried to confirm the derivation of this formula but kept on ending up with (k * Old Rating * (1-k) instead of (k * Old Rating * (1-k^(n)). However, that through the numbers off so I think what is in the book is correct and not a typo. It would be really appreciated if someone could double check this though, and point to where I’m wrong if I am.
Where k is the decay constant that they set at 0.95 (I assumed it hasn’t been change since then) and n is the number of innings played by that batsman before that innings. We only have the ratings before and after each match as that is when they are updated, but we can make an approximation that I will call Derived Match Score (DMS), by manipulating the equation to get
In theory, DMS should be equal to the weighted average of the first and second innings scores given to the batsman in that match, so I can define Match Run Value (MRV) as follows, and then plot it against DMS to verify my results
Which leads us on to the meat of the problem…
Calculating the Innings Scores
This is the actual formula that gives a score to each innings, the book denotes this as Runs Value (RV) and the crux of the formula is as follows
So what are all these variables? Runs is simply the number of runs scored in the innings. Average is the average runs per wicket over all of test cricket (the book states this as “approximately 31”, however I used 30.5 as it is closer to that now)
MPF, IPF and Quality require a bit more explaining. MPF, or Match Pitch Factor can be thought of as the average runs per wicket during the match, however there is some nuances that I will get to later. Similarly, IPF is Innings Pitch Factor and can be thought of as the average runs per wicket of that innings (with the same caveats as MPF). Quality is a sort of expected average runs per wicket, which is derived as some function of the weighted average of the bowling ratings of the opposition bowlers (weighted by the number of overs each bowler bowled in that innings).
You can sort of think of this formula as taking the runs scored by a batsman, making an adjustment for how difficult it was for the average batsman in that match, making a smaller adjustment for how difficult it was for the average batsman in that specific innings, and making a much bigger adjustment for the quality of opposition bowling. Also note that these adjustments are multiplicative, and that we’re still ending up with a score on the scale of runs. A batsman up against a perfectly average attack, in a perfectly average innings in a perfectly match will have the same Runs Value as the runs he made in that innings.
Innings Pitch Factor and Match Pitch Factor
This is the first place where there is a major lack of information in the book. Regarding the ratio of runs to wickets in a match, it states:
“Incomplete innings have to be adjusted first, as 180 for 2 would very rarely be equivalent to 900 all out. A separate formula thus transforms the simple ratio of runs per wicket to the much more important sounding ‘match pitch factor’ (although, it should be stressed, the actual pitch is not being assessed in any way)”
The only problem is that they don’t give any formula for this, so I was stuck. Ultimately, with no information on the functional form of said formula, the only way I could treat this was to guess a reasonable function and continue from there.
I decided the most reasonable assumption to make was that MPF was simply the average of the IPF for each innings, and that I would calculate “my” IPF as follows. Consider the average percentage of innings runs scored by the fall of the nth wicket, and denote it as C(n). I found data for partnerships in this paper, and used it as a proxy (I know that adding all the means and finding the cumulative percentage is not necessarily the same thing, but I figured it was a good enough approximation for my purposes).
Wicket Average Runs By Fall of Wicket C(W)
1 36.6 0.122
2 72.9 0.242
3 114.3 0.380
4 157.9 0.525
5 192.5 0.640
6 225.6 0.750
7 250 0.831
8 271.5 0.903
9 287 0.954
10 300.7 1
Then calculate IPF by projecting what the completed innings score of an incomplete innings was likely to be, after considering this table, and dividing by 10. So if an innings is declared on R runs and W wickets, then
This IPF isn’t perfect, but it made a slight increase to the accuracy of the results
After sorting out the IPF and MPF I still had to figure out how to calculate the Quality variable. As with the other 2, the book doesn’t give a formula or really any hints towards it other than it uses the weighted average of bowler’s ratings. So I made the assumption that it could be approximated by the basic formula
Where a and b were parameters to be estimated. I thought I could use a simple linear regression on this with the data I had, but I couldn’t easily extract the quality rating from the derived match score (for reasons I’ll get too soon). I considered trying to make this estimation based on a regression predicting the actual innings totals in the matches from the bowler’s ratings - that is what the Quality variable is supposed to account for – but the data for that would be too noisy to do it properly. So I ended up to resorting to the, not very scientific, method of using Excel's solver to find values that best fit the data, then rounding them to correct significant figures. I was left with a = 1800 and b = 30.
The book then describes adjustments made taking into account the result of the match. I won't cover them in detail here because this post is already massively long and they are in the pages of the book I linked to above if you are interested. Basically, batsmen with high scores in winning games have their score for that innings increased proportionally to how well they did, whilst low scores in losing efforts get quite severely punished. It was all described completely which was nice as it meant I didn't have to do any guesswork but the fact the adjustments were there meant that it wasn't simple to directly work out Quality as a function of the oppositions bowling ratings.
There are also adjustments made for if a batsman finishes not out but they aren't described at all beyond a brief mention so I decided to omit them from this.
Dampening First Innings
In order that a player doesn't reach the top of the rankings immediately if they have a particularly good debut. The book puts it like this:
"The system works for all but the newest Test players, who for the first few games of their career have their ratings damped by gradually decreasing percentages to stop them rising too high and too quickly.
But after ten innings (for a batsman) or 40 wickets (for a bowler), ratings are no longer damped - after then, players are on their own
It is unclear here whether or not this means that their real rating is kept and used to calculate new ratings, which then reduced by a different percentage after each match, or if a player's first innings simply gets counted for less forever. As it was simpler to implement, I chose the later. So now a player only ever receives a given percentage -p- of points for his first inning, and the percentage of points he receives for his second and third innings, and so on, are increased linearly until his -n-th inning, at which point all innings are worth full points in the ratings. So we have parameters p and n to consider
Using the same method as that used to estimate the a and b parameters for Quality, I determined that p = 50% and n = 10. In other words, a players first inning is worth 50%, and this increases until his 10th Inning which is worth 100%.
So how does my hacked together approximation of the ratings compare? As mentioned, the MRV should be equivalent to DMS (up to a transformation). If we plot them together we see that they agree pretty well with each other. In fact MRV can explain roughly 90% of the variation in DMS
You may wonder why this isn't a trendline with equation y = x, but rather y = 22.2x +79.9. This was to be expected as the ratings (and therefore DMS) are all based on a scale of 0 to 1000 whereas Innings Scores (and therefore MRV) are still always on the scale of runs. But we can use the information from this graph to convert each Innings Score into the correct scale. Then we can use the first equation of this post to work out the rating after the first innings, given the rating before the match and the newly converted innings score for a batsman's first inning. We can then predict what the rating should've been after the match using the calculated rating after the first innings and the second innings score. This gives us a set of ratings that we calculated using our algorithm, along with the actual ratings calculated by the ICC after the match. Plotting them together looks like this
That's an incredibly close fit, but can be a bit misleading, as ratings after a match would be close to the rating before the match, which we use in our calculations anyway. It would be more informative to take a look at the change in the ratings compared to the predicted change in the ratings.
So this is still a good fit. In fact, this algorithm can explain nearly 92% of the variance in the change in official ratings after a test match. Is that good? I'll leave that for you to decide.
In theory it should be possible to get it pretty close to 100% as we're trying to predict a process which is itself driven by an algorithm and completely non-random. Still I think this shows we have an algorithm who's results tend to line-up pretty well with those of the official ratings, and I think it was not too bad for a first try.
Where do the uncertainties lie?
I think the biggest uncertainties are in that we don't really know what sort of function the Quality, MPF and IPF variables follow, and it seems impossible to ever know that with certainty. Similarly, there are a lot of parameters to be determined. There were at least 4 that were determined here and hey are all linked together in complicated ways its impossible to take one in isolation and determine its value. Even more parameters were taken as given and could've been changed since the book came out. The nonlinear weights for each factor as well as the decay constant were examples. If I had not considered them fixed I don't think I would've had enough data to confidently determine every parameter. So next time more data and more sophisticated parameter estimation techniques would be required.
What next?
The first thing I wanna do with this is to forecast the changes in ratings after each test in India's tour of Australia. That way I can test if it actually works on new data it hasn't seen before, or if its complete junk.
Also, now that we have a similar process for determining rankings as that used in test. We could use it to make our own batting rankings for first class competitions. I think that would be really cool and interesting, if say we had a complete rankings table for the County Championship
The obvious next step is to work out the bowlers ratings, but they are even more hideous than this algorithm, so I'll leave it a bit for now. Would be interesting to come back to some time in the future though.
If someone who actually knows what they're can pick this apart or point out a flaw in what I've done, I'd love to hear from you. I'm genuinely curious as to how someone would go about doing this sort of thing, and I'd love to learn more (even if it necessitates telling me this is complete garbage)!
If you made it this far thanks for taking the time to read this!
submitted by TekkogsSteve to Cricket [link] [comments]

Tactical Nuclear Warheads and You: A Neheb, The Eternal Decklist/Primer

Hey you. Yeah, you. You tired of playing the same Golos deck, playing two lands a turn, drawing into your combo pieces, and winning while the entire table finishes War and Peace on their phones? You bored with your Sultai landfall deck, where you play solitaire for three hours? Board police getting too much to bear?
Well, let me introduce you to your new best friend: [[Neheb, the Eternal]].
Now, if you've never seen Neheb before, I know what you're thinking. "Wow, that card looks absolutely absurd", and buddy, you're right. Neheb decks aren't as much EDH decks as they are high-score attempts, seeing how much damage they can dish out in a single turn. Damage doublers, triplers, pingers that only go face, and enough X spells to make Zaxara cry in a little Sultai corner.
You want infinite combats? Neheb. You want to [[Comet Storm]] for 80? Neheb. You want to burn that lifegain deck right back to the pit it crawled out of? YOU WANT TO PUT THE FEAR OF GOD INTO ANYONE WHO DARES CONTINUE TO LIVE? N E H E B.
While Neheb himself is both a beeftank of a man and creates mana like he's eighty mountains strapped to a rocket sled, Neheb works best when he's out, and five mana isn't exactly cheap. So, what do we need? The standard rocks and ramp, like [[Sol Ring]], [[Wayfarer's Bauble]], [[Mind Stone]], [[Arcane Signet]], [[Ruby Medallion]], you get it. We do, however, run a few interesting ramp cards.
[[Cryptolith Fragment]] comes in tapped, sure, but once we have our big Lazotep Lasher out, we can tap it for one mana in the main phase, and three (3!) mana in the 2nd main phase. The good news is that if it transformed, something has gone horribly wrong, so we're not even gonna talk about the back. If it does flip, though, nine mana in the 2nd main isn't bad at all.
[[Everflowing Chalice]] isn't a rock, it's a bank. If you have a ton of mana floating in the second main, and you will, Everflowing Chalice is a way to keep some of it and use it on turns going forward. You can replace this with [[Horizon Stone]], I guess, but Everflowing is just a bit faster, and remember: Horizon Stone is based on Kruphix, and he's Simic, and we blow Simic players into small chunks. Oh, also, we have better Horizon Stone.
THAT'S RIGHT WE HAVE [[Leyline Tyrant]] BABY. You want to float mana? Leyline Tyrant. You want an evasive beater? Leyline Tyrant. You want protection from removal in the form of Leyline Tyrant choosing violence and blowing up someone's face? Ley. Line. Tyrant.
You want mana? You want it NOW? Cool. We got [[Seething Song]] and [[Jeska's Will]] for all your mana needs. Turn 2 Neheb is always a bucket of fun. Black can keep [[Dark Ritual]], I bet they're casting single target removal with it, what a bunch of nerds.
Our mana doubler is [[Extraplanar Lens]] and [[Snow-Covered Mountains]]. We want mana. Not them. If they have snow-covered mountains, blow them up first. Cowards.
[[Chandra, Torch of Defiance]] has two +1 abilities: gain red red, or deal two damage to each opponent, draw a card, and get six red mana. She's here for her good +1.
Now that we have our mana online, let's talk about our two plans: Nukes and Dukes.
Neheb is a commander that likes to attack. Once he's out, we're going to want to have him swing probably ever turn, because even if he's blocked he goes right over the top. The issue, however, is that while he has 6 toughness, that's not a lot going into the late game. So, we've got some boxing gloves for our beeftank.
[[Darksteel Plate]] lets us not really worry about Neheb. Slap some darksteel on that lazotep and watch the haymakers fly.
[[Sword of War and Peace]] and [[Sword of Sinew and Steel]] give him protection from white and black, and also importantly, RED. We can use our X spells that also hit creatures with impunity once we give Neheb one of his twin blades.
[[Shadowspear]] gives Neheb trample, which lets him smack harder, and also, for two mana, you can remove indestructible and hexproof from an opponent's permanents. A glorious piece of tech. The lifelink can be nice, but it's, there to punch through. Speaking of punching through
[[Embercleave]] needs no introduction. If you're turning something sideways, Embercleave is always a great way to make sure it damn well hurts.
[[Swiftfoot Boots]] makes killing Neheb harder, and anything that makes Neheb stickier is good in my books. Haste is also an absolute plus. We don't have [[Lightning Greaves]] because we want to give Neheb more equipment than just lightning greaves, and shroud makes that harder than it needs to be.
If we're swinging more than once a turn, and we WILL be swinging more than once a turn, we want to swing with things that create effects that benefit from multiple combats. Enter our beaters:
[[Tectonic Giant]] swings once and deals three damage to everyone, or impulse draws. You swing multiple times with him and with Neheb in play, and boy howdy did you just draw and make a ton of mana. An absolute unit of a card.
[[Etali, Primal Storm]] is four free draws per swing. You swing multiple times with Stompy McCardsteal, and you've basically cast Villainous Wealth in red.
[[Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion]] is both real and not impulse draw and mana ramp. Swing, dump bad cards, get mana, repeat. EZ Clap.
[[World at War]] and [[Savage Beating]] gives us extra combats, with World At War having rebound to guarantee us extra combat the next turn and Savage Beating giving us double strike to combat trick like an absolute madman if we need to really add insult to injury.
[[Aggrivated Assault]] takes a small amount to explain. So, if we swing with Neheb, and he's unblocked, we get four mana. Tap a mountain, five mana, get an extra combat, swing with Neheb, go to the next main phase, EIGHT MANA, because Neheb cares about total damage of the turn, and checks every post-combat main phase, not your first one. That's right. We go infinite. Blow up the world, send out Neheb, and swing for infinite gaining infinite mana.
Also do not shout the names of the cards in this section because most of them are absolutely crimes and your pod will call the cops to stop you from beating their life totals into the dirt.
Before we can bow up the world, we need to prime ourselves for it. To do this, we need to damage our opponents, and get our damage increasing abilities online.
[[Acidic Soil]] and [[Price of Progress]] are pretty much free damage. That guy who spent all game mana fixing? Yeah, he's getting shot for 16. The Golos deck? 30. Acidic Soil is there because it also counts basics, so the budget player who thought he was safe can get slapped for daring to play Magic as well.
[[Chandra's Ignition]] is 5 red mana for 12 red mana if you hit Neheb with it. It also board wipes. Slap it on Etali if you have protection for Neheb, and watch the world go down in fire.
[[Flame Rift]], [[Slagstorm]], and [[Fiery Confluence]] hit our opponents for dirt cheap costs. Three mana to get nine mana? two mana and four life for 12 mana? Treasonous Ogre is crying, he's been unemployed. Fiery Confluence is also a board wipe and a removal spell, which is super neato, as we're a mono-colored deck, so our toolbox isn't super diverse.
[[Combustible Gearhulk]] says "Give me draw or give me mana''. It's our Fact or Fiction, and much like Fact or Fiction, there are only bad answers. With an average CMC of 3, we're going to either draw three or get our mana back when someone takes 6 damage.
[[Pyrohemia]] says "pay one red mana: Gain three red mana". It's literally just Dark Ritual that is also removal. If you can't see why that's good I have no idea what you're doing in a red burn deck explanation.
[[Heartless Hidetsugu]] deals damage to each opponent equal to half their life total, rounded down. Deals damage. This isn't loss of life, this isn't 'becomes', Hidetsugu takes their life totals outside with a baseball bat and teaches it to fear the color red. Shadowspear on him makes you gain all the life they lost. If you have a damage doubler out, Hidetsugu says "Tap this creature, Win the Game." If he taps, and Neheb is out, one X spell almost guarantees a player death.
[[Torbran, Thane of Red Fell]] is not a damage doubler, but it does make our smaller pingers like Flame Rift, Fiery Confluence, and Pyrohemia absolutely backbreaking. Think of him as the initial charge.
[[Insult // Injury]] often time reads "Pay 3 mana: Your next spell kills a player". Injury is nice, but we're really here for the cheap damage double and to stop any damage prevention shenanigans. We're casting Insult when we know we can go off.
[[Fiery Emancipation]] Is here because, honestly, we make so much mana we'd be stupid not to run it. Six mana to triple damage when we make dozens of mana a turn is an incredible deal, and because it's one-sided, we don't have to worry about people killing us immediately with their tiny creatures. [[Furnace of Rath]] is two mana cheaper, yes, but importantly it doubles instead of triples, and also, uh, it doubles on US. We're trying not to self-destruct.
[[Rolling Earthquake]] hits everything without horsemanship, so it hits everything. It's strictly better than Earthquake, because if we're casting an X spell, 80% of the time we're casting it because either A) We're about to lose or B) We're about to win.
[[Molten Disaster]] has split second, which makes it uncounterable, unreturnable, and uninteractable. It's our "YOU DARE PLAY BLUE?!" card.
[[Jaya's Immolating Inferno]] targets up to three targets. You will have three opponents in your pod. The math works.
[[Comet Storm]] is flexible, in that if you've already blown someone to kingdom come, it costs one less mana! So that's nice! It's also great target removal, and great with our newest card...
[[Toralf, God of Fury]]. Oh yeah. In this deck, a deck where we overkill everything, Toralf becomes an absolute monster. Earthquake everyone, and have the excess damage dealt to their creatures finish them off. The flip side of the card also goes mana-positive with Neheb, if we really need to get there and are just out of reach. This is a card this deck loves like your opponents love not being blown off the face of the earth by fireballs.
[[Primal Amulet]] lets us copy our damage when it flips, and makes our damage spells cheaper before it does. It's easy to see why it's an all-star here.
[[Reverberate]] lets us copy something. Sometimes it'll be the counter that's trying to stop Jaya's Immolating Inferno. Sometimes it'll be the Immolating Inferno itself.
[[Reiterate]] is a multi-use reverberate, and we have the mana to use it.
STEP 4: THE REST OF THE DECK ThisIsn'tAStepButShhhhhh
We want to give our creatures haste. [[Generator Servant]], [[Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded]], we can wheel away an [[Anger]] with ease, and [[Ogre Battledriver]] gives us a bit of oomph when our creatures enter the battlefield. Purphoros also functions as a sneak attack for when we want a creature to attack, but we don't have the mana to get it out.
Look. We're in mono red, which means we have... one tutor that's halfway decent for our plan, and that's [[Gamble]]. We need draw. We're running a lot of it. [[Valakut Awakening]], [[Reforge the Soul]], [[Molten Psyche]], [[Magus of the Wheel]], [[Commune with Lava]], [[Cathartic Reunion]], [[Faithless Looting]] whatever we need to draw a whole ton, we have.
The real all-star draw card is [[Knollspine Dragon]]. Draw equal to damage to target opponent? In a burn deck? In a burn deck where our burn makes mana? Oh baby you best believe that when you slam this puppy down people are going to quake in their boots. From the dragon. And maybe from the Rolling Earthquake. Or the Molten Disaster. Whatever.
We're not running much actual removal, because, well, A: Mono Red, and B: We're a player removal deck. If you want board control, or if you want a deck that doesn't feel like piloting a crashing roller coaster that is currently on fire, go play [[Zada, Hedron Grinder]]. We're here for the boom boom.
[[Vandalblast]] and [[Shattering Spree]] let us remove pesky artifacts, [[Blasphemous act]] removes board states for dirt cheap, and [[Chaos Warp]] lets us deal with one of anything.
[[Deflecting Swat]] is for anyone trying to touch our Lazotep Loverboy or for stack interaction when our [[Pyroblast]] fails to stop a counter.
[[Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx]] is pure gas, [[Ancient Tomb]] gets Neheb out fast, and [[Rogue's passage]] gets us through chump blockers and deathtouchers if we need to swing with Neheb. Other than that, it's mountains, a [[Myriad Landscape]], and a [[Smoldering Crater]] to remind our opponents of the fate that awaits them and also some draw if we need it.
For some, four X spells isn't enough. [[Fall of the Titans]] and [[Earthquake]] are easy to slot in, and for those who want more combat, [[Fury of the Horde]] is easy enough to get. [[Mana Geyser]] is great against landfall decks, [[Red Elemental Blast]] is good if your meta includes people who try to stop you from throwing the sun at them (Cowards.). If you want more draw, [[Apex of Power]] is a free draw 10 spell, and [[Dragon Mage]] is a [[Wheel of Fortune]] on a stick. Well, Magus of the Wheel is Wheel of Fortune on a stick ALRIGHT YOU GET IT.
The easiest upgrade path for this deck is fast mana. [[Mana Crypt]], [[Grim Monolith]], [[Mana Vault]], [[Jeweled Lotus]] the faster you can pump out Neheb the better. They're not on this list because they're pretty goddamn expensive, and if you turn two Neheb people are going to focus you into the absolute dirt. [[Doubling Cube]] is neat, but honestly, it's just a but overkill.
Otherwise, upgrades include [[Wheel of Fortune]], your favorite Eldrazi Titan as a big ol' beater if you like the multiple combats, [[Sword of Fire and Ice]] is just the best damn sword we can get, and I'd say get [[Gauntlet of Might]] but for many people that card costs more than rent for the month, so just skip it.
Step 1) Cast Neheb as fast as possible.
Step 2) Deal symmetrical damage, swing in.
Step 3) Go infinite with Aggressive Assault or cast a spell where X is, like, six trillion.
We're not interested in things like "Midrange" or "Control". No. We're Neheb. We're here to get high scores on the "How much damage can I make without going infinite" leaderboards. This is not a deck that does anything besides slam into people. It explodes. It goes absolutely haywire, totally off the rails, you'll need a calculator to check your mana.
This deck exists for one reason and one reason only: This deck is for Burn Timmies. Is it competitive? Eh. Does it win a lot? Eh. Does the fear in the eyes of your opponents make this deck worth it? Yes.
For your consideration, Nuclear Neheb:
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The answer tells you the battering average, or the fraction of the time that a batter turned an at-bat attempt into a successful hit. For example, if a player had 70 Hits and 200 At-Bats, his Batting Average is 70 ÷ 200 = 0.350. You can read a batting average of 0.350 as "this player would expect to get 350 hits in 1000 at-bats." 4 Enter the data you want to calculate a weighted average for. Unlike finding a single average, where we used a one-column list of numbers, to find a weighted average we need two sets of numbers. For the purpose of this example, we’ll assume the items are shipments of tonic, dealing with a number of cases and the price per case. For this example, we’ll include column labels. Enter the label Formula – How to Calculate Batting Average. Batting Average = Hits ÷ At Bats. Where: A “hit” is when the batter safely reaches first base after hitting the ball into fair territory. A hit is not counted if it happens with help from an error or a fielder’s choice. Batting average is a measure of a players batting performance in baseball and cricket. Batting averages are calculated differently in the two sports, so this calculator will refer to baseball. To calculate batting average all you need to do is divide the number of “at bats” by the number of hits. Batting Average (BA) in Cricket is a measure of the batsman performance in matches. In the sports game Cricket, the players batting average is the total number of runs they have scored divided by the number of times they have been out. Formula. The batting average is calculated in the following way: Batting Average = Total number of hits / Total number of at bats. For example, if a player has 200 at-bats, and has 70 hits, then his Batting Average is 70/200 = 0.350. Batting Average (BA) = (Number of hits) / (Number of official at bats) What is a Batting Average? It is a statistic in sports such as cricket, baseball, and softball which measures the performance of batsmen. It can be estimated by placing a player's number of runs in comparison with their number of times they have been out. Batting Average Calculator. Batting average is a simple ratio of number of hits to number of at bats (not including walks). Because batting average does not include things like RBI or on base percentage, it’s falling out of popularity for more modern numbers like slugging percentage, but that does not mean it can’t be useful. Calculating batting average When figuring or calculating batting average of a baseball player, just use the following formula: Batting average = (Number of hits)/ (Number of official at bats) As you can see, the batting average is just a ratio of the "number of times the player hit the ball" to "at bats" Formula – How to calculate Batting Average. Batting Average = Runs Scored ÷ Times Out “Runs Scored” – The number of runs scored by the batter. “Times Out” – The number of times the batter has been caught out. Example. A batter scores at bat 522 times and is out 27 times in that time. 522 ÷ 27 = 19.33. Therefore, the player’s batting average is 19.33. Frequently Asked Questions

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