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Some thoughts on a Commonwealth Cruiser Line

Inspired by the really excellent write-ups of possible new ship lines from cwjian90, I thought I’d give it a go myself. I wanted to propose a line that hasn’t been done to death before but that could make a really interesting contribution to the game and being Australian myself I settled pretty quickly on the idea of a Commonwealth Cruiser line.
There were a lot of Commonwealth Dominions that had a navy in some form during the two world wars but the only ones really relevant to scale of the game are the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Canadian Navy, and the Royal New Zealand Navy, though India deserves a shout out for the sheer volume of their merchant and troop transport shipping.
The British Admiralty was initially less than keen about the idea of Commonwealth Dominions funding and operating their own navies but they relented around 1909 due to the recent increases in German Naval construction and the obvious difficult of protecting such a scattered Empire from strong naval enemies.
The title of ‘Royal Australian Navy’ was granted to the Australian Commonwealth Naval Forces on July 10th, 1911 followed closely by the Naval Services of Canada being granted the title of ‘Royal Canadian Navy’ on August 29th of the same year. The Royal New Zealand Navy didn’t officially come into being until October 1st, 1941 but already had a high degree of self-sufficiency for some time previously as the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy.
For the purpose of including as many real ships in the tree as possible, I am going to count ship that served prior to the granting of the official titles. Even though in most cases this meant that they were technically Royal Navy ships they were increasingly funded, supported, crewed, and commanded by the Commonwealths, therefore I feel they make reasonable candidates for inclusion.
On ship playstyle and ‘national flavour’ we already have HMAS Perth to give a rough indication. Obviously, like that ship, almost all of this line originates in the Royal Navy designs, but in some ways WG has done us a big favour in making the RN cruisers AP only, as it allows us to create more traditional HE+AP versions without them just being clones.
Because the line switches to heavy cruisers at tier 7, and also because I don’t want to add more smoke cruisers to the game, I decided that the line should lack the smoke consumable but retain the heal of the RN cruiser line. In this way, with proper tier-ing, the addition of HE remains balanced, and the uniqueness of the Perth is also preserved. A lot of the ships feature spotter planes, which is quite unique for cruisers and I’ve given them radar from T8 onwards to improve utility.
I conceive of this line as something for experienced players who like a challenge and could adapt to varying ship capabilities and playstyles. This line should only be added to the game after more of the major navies are better represented. Possibly access to the line could be locked behind a certain account level to keep new players away from it until they are ready.
Enough rambling, let’s get into the ships!
Sensible Tier 1 — HMAS Condamine (River class frigate)
The River Class frigates were constructed and operated in large numbers by all three of the commonwealth navies, Canada in particular. In this case Condamine was chosen over the still existing museum ship Diamantina or a Canadian example primarily because it is one of the few versions of the ship that possessed two twin 4-inch gun turrets, which would be required to make it balanced at T1. It definitely doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that Condamine was built in my hometown…
Maximum Speed: 19.5 kts
Displacement: 1,537 tons (standard)
Main armament
Secondary armament (not that it matters)
Consumables: Damage Control Party
Inspiring Tier 1 — HMAS Armidale (Bathurst class corvette)
The Bathurst Class corvettes are one of the few ships designed and built by a Commonwealth Nation that could fit into the timeframe and scale of WoWS in any form. Armidale was the only ship of the class lost to enemy action during WWII, sunk by Japanese torpedo planes. After the order to abandon ship was given the wounded Ordinary Seaman Edward Sheean returned to his Oerlikon, shooting down one plane and preventing the rest from making strafing runs on his crewmates in the water. Survivors reported seeing tracers still coming from beneath the surface as the ship went under.
Maximum Speed: 15 kts
Displacement: 660 tons (standard), 1025 tons (full load)
Main armament
Secondary armament (still doesn’t matter)
Consumables: Damage Control Party
Notes: Obviously this is massively underpowered even for T1 but the fact that it was an indigenous design, and the heroism displayed during the loss of Armidale, make a compelling case for its inclusion anyway, balance be damned.
Tier 2 — HMAS Encounter A.K.A The Old Bus (Challenger class protected cruiser)
I really wanted to put a Canadian or New Zealand ship here but all of the candidates were either not quite good enough (HMS Philomel) or a bit too good (HMCS Niobe). If someone knows of a good ship for this tier, please let me know, but in the meantime HMAS Encounter will do an excellent job starting the line proper, and is good way to introduce a RN protected cruiser design to the game.
Maximum Speed: 21 kts
Displacement: 5,880 tons (standard)
Main armament
Secondary armament
Consumables: Damage Control Party
Notes: Seems like RN protected cruiser designs were pretty good, shame we don’t have any in game yet.
Tier 3 — HMAS Sydney (Town class light cruiser, Chatham sub-class)
Sydney was of the same base class as the T2 RN cruiser Weymouth, but of the more advanced Chatham subtype featuring improved armour and more advanced guns, though still with submerged torpedoes that won’t show up in game. As a good fit for T3 she’ll be able to sink SMS Emden again, which is all we really want.
Maximum Speed: 25.7 kts
Displacement: 5,400 tons (standard)
Main armament
Secondary armament
Aircraft (after B hull upgrade): Sopwith Pup, Sopwith Camel
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Spotter Plane/Catapult Fighter (after B hull upgrade)
Notes: Apparently Sydney was the first ship in the world to install and use a rotating aircraft catapult, justifying her unique consumables at this tier. The spotter plane in particularly, would be quite useful for getting a bit of extra range out of her guns.
Alternative Tier 3/Premium Tier 3 — HMCS Niobe (Diadem class protected cruiser)
For another tier 3 option we travel to the other side of the world and the first large ship of the newly formed Royal Canadian Navy, HMCS Niobe. Niobe was a protected cruiser of the Diadem class and would sit very comfortably alongside the likes of St. Louis and Bogatyr.
Maximum Speed: 20.5 kts
Displacement: 11,000 tons (standard)
Main armament
Secondary armament
Consumables: Damage Control Party
Notes: It’s been a long time since I played St. Louis but unless I’m missing something this ship might even be slightly better. I prefer Sydney for the line just because that way you get light cruisers continuously from T3-6, but Niobe would make a great reward or gift premium.
Tier 4 — HMS Dunedin (Danae class light cruiser)
Tier 4 was a tricky one because we’re around the interwar period now and the Commonwealth navies basically went into hibernation during that period. However, HMS Dunedin served in the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy from 1924 to 1937 before being replaced by a certain HMS Leander (later HMNZS Leander), and one of New Zealand’s largest cities at the time is also called Dunedin (both named after Edinburgh) so she’s a good option to represent New Zealand here.
Maximum Speed: 29 kts
Displacement: 4,276 tons (standard), 5,603 tons (full)
Main armament
Secondary armament
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search (after B hull upgrade)
Notes: With the addition of HE this ship might be the only one in the whole line that is definitely better than its RN counterpart. Danae is pretty weak though, so I’m fine with that.
Tier 5 — HMNZS Achilles (Leander class light cruiser)
Another New Zealand representative, and a proper RNZN one too. HMNZS Achilles is most famous for participating in the Battle of the River Plate (reenactment coming soon to a tier 5/6 match near you!) and was also the first Royal Navy cruiser fitted with fire control radar. In 1948 she was sold to the Indian Navy and served for another 30 years as INS Delhi.
Maximum Speed: 32.25 kts
Displacement: 7,270 tons (standard), 9,740 tons (full)
Armour (in game same as existing Leander)
Main armament
Secondary armament
Aircraft (after B hull upgrade): Fairey Seafox, Supermarine Walrus
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, Spotter Plane/Catapult Fighter (after B hull upgrade)
Notes: A Leander at T5, what madness is this? Well, it is a Leander without smoke or super AP, which does make it much more balanced here. Also, I’m really sick of weak cruisers at T5 and want to put in something that isn’t just automatically Scharnhorst food. In contrast to the RN Leander the B bull upgrade doesn’t massively improve AA but instead allows for the use of catapult aircraft (as was historically the case).
Tier 6 — HMCS Ontario (Minotaur class light cruiser)
No, not that Minotaur class, this is the one that actually existed as a late war update of the Crown Colony (Fiji) cruisers. Compared to the Fiji in game, Ontario has one less turret and is a bit slower, but she has a slightly better armour scheme and better AA.
Maximum Speed: 31.5 kts
Displacement: 8,800 tons (standard), 11,130 tons (full)
Main armament
Secondary armament
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search
Notes: It was quite a toss-up choosing between Ontario and Uganda for this slot, in the end I went with the slightly more unique option. HMNZS Gambia is also a possibility, but her 12 guns would probably be too powerful at this tier.
Premium Tier 6 — HMNZS Black Prince (Dido class light cruiser, group 2)
The Black Prince demands inclusion just on the basis of having an incredibly badass name. 8 x 5.25 inch guns on a Leander hull may not sound particularly scary but they are backed up by excellent torpedoes and enough AA to make even a Saipan think twice.
Maximum Speed: 32.25 kts
Displacement: 5,950 tons (standard), 7,200 tons (full)
Main armament
Secondary armament (original configuration)
Secondary armament (1945-1946)
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, Defensive AA Fire
Notes: Should she have smoke of some sort? Nah, CV players will cry enough as it is. Main armament should also be pretty good once buffed with BFT and AFT.
Now there is a good light cruiser candidate for T7 in the HMNZS Gambia but it would be very similar to the already existing Fiji and Belfast so for a bit of variety we instead switch the line to heavy cruisers, of which the Royal Australian Navy operated several viable candidates.
Tier 7 — HMAS Canberra (County class heavy cruiser, Kent sub-class)
Canberra was a County class heavy cruiser commissioned into the RAN in 1928. Her 4 x 2 8-inch guns are a decent armament for this tier but she was very lightly armoured even by the standards of the class, having never received the armour upgrades of her Royal Navy sisters, which may go some way to explaining her loss at the Battle of Savo Island. The Baltimore class cruiser USS Canberra was renamed in her honour.
Maximum Speed: 31.5 kts
Displacement: 10,000 tons (standard), 14,150 tons (full)
Armour (probable original configuration)
Armour (semi-historical 1936 refit, after B hull upgrade)
Main armament
Secondary armament (original configuration)
Secondary armament (1942 refit, after C hull upgrade)
Aircraft (after B hull upgrade): Supermarine Seagull, Supermarine Walrus
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, Spotter Plane/Catapult Fighter (after B hull upgrade)
Notes: Couldn’t find much information about the armour scheme, but it seems to have been extremely weak, possibly not having any dedication citadel protection at all. Canberra never received the armour upgrade proposed here but during the 1930s the Royal Navy Kent class cruisers did, so it is at least plausible. Aside from that, the upgrades that added aircraft in 1936 and additional AA in 1942 are historically accurate.
Tier 8 — HMAS Shropshire (County class heavy cruiser, London sub-class)
HMS Shropshire was gifted to the RAN in 1943 as a replacement for the recently lost HMAS Canberra. Therefore, her RAN career begins after quite extensive mid-war refits that make her a decent choice for stock tier 8. A semi-historical refit that upgrades AA and sensors while retaining the torpedoes (in reality they were removed in 1945) rounds out the proposal.
Maximum Speed: 32 kts
Displacement: 9,750 tons (standard), 13,115 tons (full)
Main armament
Secondary armament (‘original’ 1943 configuration)
Secondary armament (1945 semi-historical refit, after B hull upgrade)
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar (after B hull upgrade)
Notes: Radar from T8-T10 is as much for balance as anything else, though it’s just as plausible here as it is on any other ship in the game (cough Missouri cough).
I’d be quite happy to finish the line here, as we have pushed things about as far as they will historically go, but since WG have stated they want every line to end at T10, and paper shipping is fun, we’ll go ahead and dive all the way into fantasy land for the last two tiers.
For this we need to almost completely rely on the Royal Navy heavy cruiser design studies of the 1930s and 40s since those designs, if they were built, are the most likely heavy cruisers the Commonwealth navies would operate.
However, there is one heavy cruiser design we can use that didn’t come directly from the Royal Navy. In the mid-1920s the RAN was looking for a replacement for the ageing Melbourne and Sydney Town class cruisers, and a design and cost estimate was submitted by the Cockatoo Island Naval Dockyards#Cockatoo_Island_Dockyard) that was seriously considered. For cost reasons, it was instead decided to purchase two Kent class cruisers constructed in Great Britain (HMAS Canberra was one of these) instead but the design does at least give us a starting point for something unique to this line at tiers 9 and 10.
Tier 9 — HMAS Melbourne (Cockatoo Island Dockyard heavy cruiser design)
The Cockatoo Islands Dockyard design was for a 10,000-ton ‘treaty’ cruiser with 9 x 8-inch guns in 3 triple turrets, a speed of 33 kts, multiple casement secondaries, and submerged torpedo tubes. It was heavily based on the Hawkins class cruiser, as that was what the shipyard had detailed information on, as well as data from Vickers about their planned triple 8-inch turret. Possibly there were also subsequent designs with the secondaries and torpedoes moved to deck mounts, as well as the option for 4 or 3 twin turrets.
To make something viable for T9, I will assume that the design was further developed and updated during the 1920s, constructed in Australia in the 1930s, and further modernized during WWII. She’s named HMAS Melbourne because HMAS Sydney is already in the line and I don’t want to be murdered in my sleep by a disgruntled Victorian.
Maximum Speed: 33 kts
Displacement: estimated 10,000 tons (standard), estimated 15,000 tons (full)
Main armament (stock)
Main armament (after gun upgrade)
Secondary armament (stock)
Secondary armament (after B hull upgrade)
Aircraft: Supermarine Seagull, Supermarine Walrus (stock only)
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, Spotter Plane/Catapult Fighter (stock only), Surveillance Radar (after B hull upgrade)
Notes: Obviously a lot of this is made up, but the BL 8-inch Mark X did exist as a prototype, though it was never put into production.
Tier 10 — HMAS ANZAC (Cockatoo Island Dockyard fictional heavy cruiser design)
So, imagining that the RAN had developed the capability to domestically design and construct heavy cruisers, we can also imagine what they might come up with in the late 1930s as a counter to Japanese designs. Obviously, we can still draw heavily on the Royal Navy wartime cruiser design studies for some of the details. She's named after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, as a RAN Destroyer was IRL.
Maximum Speed: 33 kts
Displacement: estimated 15,000 tons (standard), estimated 17,500 tons (full)
Main armament
Secondary armament
Consumables: Damage Control Party, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar
Notable Mentions
HMNZS Gambia is the same class as Fiji and would make a solid T7 entry.
HMCS Uganda is also the same class as Fiji, but a later sub-class with one less turret, so would fit well at T6 instead of Ontario or as a premium.
HMAS Australia had a very notable wartime career and would make an excellent T7 or T8 depending on balance. It shares the same name as Australia's only battlecruiser, so if that was included they would have to share names.
Final Thoughts
Well, the line ended up being a lot more Australia focused than I had expected, but they did operate more cruisers than any of the other Commonwealth navies, so it makes sense.
I’d be very interested to play a line like this, I think that generally the ships here would have quite a unique playstyle without overly relying on gimmicks and that the variety and utility of the line would more than make up for the lack of really powerful in-game stats.
Next up I’ll do a Commonwealth Destroyer line, where I suspect Canada will feature a bit more prominently.
P.S. Please feel free to pass this on to the people who develop new lines and ships, Sub_Octavian ;)
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